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Faculty AllCEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology BUT)CESA (Centre of Sports Activities)FA (Faculty of Architecture)FBM (Faculty of Business and Management)FCE (Faculty of Civil Engineering)FEEC (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication)FFA (Faculty of Fine Arts)FCH (Faculty of Chemistry)FIT (Faculty of Information Technology)FME (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering)IFE (Institute of Forensic Engineering) Type of study All bachelor'smaster'smaster's (5 years)doctoral Mode of study All full-time studycombined studydistance study Academic year 2025/20262024/20252023/20242022/20232021/20222020/20212019/20202018/20192017/20182016/20172015/20162014/20152013/20142012/20132011/20122010/20112009/20102008/2009 Language of instruction All CzechEnglish Choose
3 years title Bc. full-time study Czech
4 years title Bc. full-time study
Tuition Fees: 3800 EUR/academic year for EU students 3800 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
4 years title Bc. full-time study Czech
2 years title Ing. arch. full-time study
Tuition Fees: 4200 /academic year for EU students 4200 /academic year for non-EU students
2 years title Ing. arch. full-time study Czech
4 years title Ph.D. full-time study Czech
4 years title Ph.D. combined study Czech
3 years title Bc. combined study Czech
3 years title Bc. full-time study
Tuition Fees: 1000 EUR/academic year for EU students 1000 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
2 years title Ing. full-time study Czech
2 years title Ing. combined study Czech
2 years title Ing. full-time study
4 years title Ph.D. full-time study
Tuition Fees: 2500 EUR/academic year for EU students 2500 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
4 years title Ph.D. combined study
Tuition Fees: 1800 EUR/academic year for EU students 9200 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
Tuition Fees: 2290 EUR/academic year for EU students 9700 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
Tuition Fees: 4490 EUR/academic year for EU students 9900 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
3.5 years title Bc. full-time study Czech
4 years title Bc. combined study Czech
1.5 year title Ing. full-time study
1.5 year title Ing. full-time study Czech
1.5 year title Ing. combined study Czech
3 years title Ph.D. combined study Czech
Tuition Fees: 3000 EUR/academic year for EU students 3000 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
4 years title BcA. full-time study Czech
2 years title MgA. full-time study
Tuition Fees: 3500 EUR/academic year for EU students 3500 EUR/academic year for non-EU students
2 years title MgA. full-time study Czech