Detail projektu

Curriculum for the Czech-Norwegian doctoral program in the field of water management and water engineering

Období řešení: 1.8.2019 — 31.12.2021

Zdroje financování

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - Fondy EHP 2014-2021: Program vzdělávání

- plně financující

O projektu

The aim of the project is to create a joint Czech-Norwegian doctoral programme in the field of water engineering and water management between Brno University of Technology (BUT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), which will allow talented students to obtain a double degree and gain valuable experience in the field of science and education during their studies. The output of the project will be a program curriculum on the basis could be carried out the accreditation of the study program. In the case of the implementation of this study programme, there would arise a deep connection between the scientific and educational in this field, which could be a promising bridging for other specific technical fields. The target group of the project is students of master’s degree who are considering the study of doctoral programs. Graduates of such a field of study would be key players in addressing global challenges in this area such as climate change, water scarcity, drinking water quality, wastewater treatment, reuse of grey and wastewaters and etc. The project will run for two years. The main activities of the project will be focused on the four work trips (peer learning activities) when the universities visited each other and will be organized the meetings associated with the preparation of the curriculum. In the end of the project will be organized two open seminars (in each university) to disseminate awareness of the upcoming project output. Expected impacts: - Interconnection of educational methods and techniques and in tertiary education in the field of water management leading to the production of highly qualified experts and scientists in the field of water engineering and water management - Developing and strengthening both bilateral and scientific cooperation between the two universities - joint scientific projects, professional publications, educational materials, conferences, seminars, etc. - Increased interest of gifted students in continuing their Ph.D. studies - Reduction of the outflow of students abroad for a more attractive academic degree - preservation of talents in Czech Republic - connection between Czech and Norway researchers and educators The output of the project is relevant to the objectives of the program, especially the issues of appreciation of human capital, raising the level of tertiary education and its implementation would also contribute to the strengthening of bilateral relations between the Czech Republic and Norway.

Klíčová slova
wastewater engineering,



Originální jazyk




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