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Detail předmětu
FP-EcePAk. rok: 2023/2024
Corporate economics consider basic theoretic knowledge from the corporate economy theme. This course is designed as a comprehensive overview of corporate economics theory. Course cover a number of topics including production analysis, break - even analysis, accounting profit and economic profit, capital budgeting, managerial decision making, fund flow statement a budget and budgetary control. You will be equipped with a set of concepts and analytical tools that will allow you to approach and analyse a wide variety of common corporate economic questions. Further students will be able to gain company’s economy knowledge connected to each field of company’s activity. Concerning the gained course knowledge and as part of the course evaluation, students should be able to apply it to concrete company’s activity, process or to try to solve the problem in specific field of the company’s activity.
Jazyk výuky
Počet kreditů
Garant předmětu
Zajišťuje ústav
Vstupní znalosti
Pravidla hodnocení a ukončení předmětu
Učební cíle
Prerekvizity a korekvizity
Základní literatura
Doporučená literatura
Zařazení předmětu ve studijních plánech
Vyučující / Lektor