
Lukáš Novák


FP, ÚI – odborný asistent

+420 54114 3749

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Ing. Lukáš Novák, Ph.D.


  • 2016

    NOVÁK, L. Evaluation of Information Systems in Medium- sized and Large Businesses. ICEM 2016: International Scientific Conference Economics and Management. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2016. s. 176-176. ISBN: 978-80-214-5355- 5.

  • 2015

    NOVÁK, L. Development of an Information Strategy and Proposed Changes in Corporate Informatics on the Basis of an Application of Methods of Scientific Analysis to the Information System Evaluation: Case Study. In Innovation Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth. Amsterdam, Netherlands: IBIMA, 2015. s. 1-10. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-4- 5.

    NOVÁK, L. Analysis of Methods for the Evaluation of Information Systems: Critical Comparison by Selected Criteria. In IBIMA. Madrid, Spain: IBIMA, 2015. s. 1-9. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-5- 2.

  • 2014

    NOVÁK, L. Analysis of the Effect of Economic Development on Expenditures and Investments into IT in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. In Vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness. -. Valencia: IBIMA, 2014. s. 1500-1508. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-2-1.

    NOVÁK, L. The Success Factors in an International Company: A Case Study. In Crafting Global Competitive Economies: 2020 Vision Strategic Planning & Smart Implementation. Miláno: IBIMA, 2014. s. 101-109. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-3- 8.

  • 2013

    NOVÁK, L. The relationship of the GDP and ICT Spending and Investment: Analysis of data between 2006 and 2011 in the Czech Republic. In Vision 2020: Innovation, Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth Proceedings of The 21st International Business Information Management Association Conference. Vienna, Austria: International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 2013. s. 1328-1334. ISBN: 978-0-9860419-0- 7.

  • 2012

    NOVÁK, L. Metody hodnocení efektivnosti informačních systémů: základní analýza a srovnání vytvořených metod. In Mezinárodní workshop doktorandských prací 2012. Fakulta podnikatelská. Brno: Fakulta podnikatelská, 2012. s. 1-8. ISBN: 978-80-214-4632- 8.

*) Citace publikací se generují jednou za 24 hodin.