Detail projektu

Diferenciální a funkcionálně-diferenciální rovnice

Období řešení: 1.1.1996 — 31.12.1996

Zdroje financování

Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty

- plně financující

O projektu

Popis anglicky
Qualitative properties of linear and nonlinear differential equations and systems, as well as functional - differential equations will be studied. Boundary - value problems for these equations and asymptotic behavior of solutions will be investigated. Special attention will be devoted to application of algebraic and geometrical methods, including the theory of functional equations.



Originální jazyk



Diblík Josef, prof. RNDr., DrSc. - hlavní řešitel


Ústav matematiky
- odpovědné pracoviště (1.1.1996 - nezadáno)
Ústav matematiky
- příjemce (1.1.1996 - nezadáno)


BAŠTINEC, J., DIBLÍK, J. Three-points singular boundary-value problem. In Ninth International Colloquium on Differential Equations. Plovdiv: BAV Sofia, p. 16 ( p.)

BAŠTINEC, J., DIBLÍK, J. Three-point singular boundary-value problem for systém of three differential equations. In International Conference of Mathematics. Žilina: University of Žilina, p. 4 ( p.)

DIBLÍK, J. A criterion for existence of positive solutions of systems of retarded functional differential equations. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 1999, vol. 1999, no. 38, p. 327-339. ISSN: 0362-546X.

DIBLÍK, J. Positive and oscilating solutions of differential equations with delay in critical case. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1998, vol. 1998, no. 88, p. 185 ( p.)ISSN: 0377-0427.

DIBLÍK, J. Asymptotic representation of solutions of equation dy(t)/dt=b(t)(y(t)-y(t-T)). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 1998, vol. 1998, no. 217, p. 200-215. ISSN: 0022-247X.

BAŠTINEC, J. Singular Cauchy-Nicoletti problems for systems of differential equations. Fasciculi Mathematici, 1997, vol. 27, no. 1, p. 5 ( p.)ISSN: 0044-4413.

BAŠTINEC, J., DIBLÍK, J. On existence of solutions of a singular Cauchy-Nicoletti problem for a system of integro-differential equations. Demonstratio Mathematicae, 1997, vol. 30, no. 4, p. 747 ( p.)ISSN: 0420-1213.

BAŠTINEC, J., DIBLÍK, J. Three-point singular boundary-value problem for a system of three differential equations. Mathematical Communications, 1998, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 211 ( p.)ISSN: 1331-0623.

DIBLÍK, J. Positive solutions of the equation x'=-c(t)x(t-r) in the critical case. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 2000, vol. 2000, no. 250, p. 635-659. ISSN: 0022-247X.

ŠMARDA, Z. On solutions of an implicit singular system of integro-differential equations depending on a parameter. Demonstratio Mathematicae, 1998, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 125 ( p.)ISSN: 0420-1213.

DIBLÍK, J. Behaviour of solutions of linear differential equations with delay. ARCHIVUM MATHEMATICUM, 1998, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 31 ( p.)ISSN: 0044-8753.

DIBLÍK, J. Positive and oscillating solutions of differential equations with delay in critical case. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1998, vol. 1998, no. 88, p. 185-202. ISSN: 0377-0427.

DIBLÍK, J. Asymptotic equilibrium for homogeneous delay linear differential equations with L-perturbation term. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 1997, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 3927-3933. ISSN: 0362-546X.

DIBLÍK, J. Asymptotic representation of solutions of equation y'(t)=b(t)(y(t)-y(t-T)). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 1998, vol. 1998, no. 217, p. 200-215. ISSN: 0022-247X.

BAŠTINEC, J., DIBLÍK, J. On existence of solutions of a singular Cauchy-Nicoletti problem of integro-differential equations. Demonstratio Mathematicae, roč. 30, č. 4, s. 747 ( s.)ISSN: 0420-1213.

DIBLÍK, J. A multidimensional singular boundary value problem of the Cauchy-Nicoletti type. Georgian Mathematical Journal, 1997, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 303-312. ISSN: 1072-947X.

DIBLÍK, J.; BAŠTINEC, J. Three-points singular boundary value problem. Mathematical Communications, 1998, vol. 3(1998), no. 2, p. 211-219. ISSN: 1331-0623.

BAŠTINEC, J., DIBLÍK, J. The singular De La Vallée-Poussin problem for differential equations of n-th order. In Proceedings of the International csientific conference of mathematics, Žilina, Slovakia, June 30 - July 3,1998. 1. Žilina: Žilina University Publisher, 1998. p. 7 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7100-578-9.

HONZÁK, A. Výpočet dvojného integrálu metodou MONTE CARLO. In Sborník prací studentů a doktorandů. Brno: FEI VUT Brno, 1998. s. 72 ( s.)ISBN: 80-214-1141-4.

ŠMARDA, Z. Singular implicit system of integro-differential equations depending on a parameter. In Workshop 97. Praha: 1997. p. 27 ( p.)