doc. Ing.

Petr Drexler


FEKT, UTEE – docent

+420 54114 6284

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doc. Ing. Petr Drexler, Ph.D.


Vzdělání a akademická kvalifikace

Gymnasium Moravská Třebová, graduation in 1999

Graduated from Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, MSc. in radioelectronics (2004)

2004 – 2007: doctoral studies at the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. in theoretical electrical engineering

Přehled zaměstnání

Since 2008, research assistant at the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering.

2010: appointed an Associate professor in theoretical electrical engineering at the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering.

Vědeckovýzkumná činnost

Mesurement methods for extreme electromagnetic quantities; radiofrequency diagnostic of high-voltage systems; sensors based on electro and magneto-optical effects; fiber optic sensors of electromagnetic quantities.


Member of research team in project of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Research and development of ultra-high-frequency detection of discharge activity inside of oil transformers (FR-TI1/001) between 2009-2013.

Member of research teams in Czech Science Foundation projects:

- 2009-2012 Investigation of metamaterials and microwave structures with the help of noise spectroscopy and magnetic resonance (GA102/09/0314)

- 2013-2016 An investigation of artificial electromagnetic materials and metamaterials with applied numerical and imaging methods (GA13-09086S)

- 2017-2019 Complex Artificial Electromagnetic Structures and Nanostructures (GA17-00607S)


Co-applicant in the Czech Science Foundation project Remote Sensing of Small Scatterers by Electromagnetic Waves (GA15-08803S) between 2015-2017.

2023-2025 Scalable ionizer for space technologies and laboratory applications (FW06010622 ), project of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic 


Citace publikací podle ISI Web of Knowledge (bez autocitací)


Aktivní působení v tuzemských a v zahraničních společnostech a organizacích

Regular reviewer within IEEE Sensors Journal (ISSN: 1530-437X); Sensors (ISSN: 1424-8220).

Member of editorial board of Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.