Detail patentu

A Method of Biometric Identification of Persons According to the Hand and Device for Biometric Identification of Persons According to the Hand


Typ patentu



The invention relates to a method of biometric identification of persons according to the hand, by which the shape of the hand is scanned, evaluated and compared with the database of hand shapes, whereas the three-dimensional shape of the hand is scanned, this is analysed and a three-dimensional model of the hand is created, which is compared with the database of three-dimensional models of hand. The invention also relates to a device for biometric identification of persons according to the hand comprising a pad and a scanning device coupled with a control and evaluating unit, while the pad comprises a positioning depression in the shape of a hand, while the positioning depression is whole situated in the field of view of the scanning device and in the area of impact of radiation from a source of light.

Klíčová slova

biometrics, hand, 3D shape, identification, verification

Číslo patentu


Datum přihlášky

15. 7. 2009

Datum zápisu

28. 1. 2010


World Intellectual Property Organization


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