Detail publikace

Development of Changes in Corporate Governance Considering its Nonfinancial Factors through the Companies and Investors Lens

Andrea Krýslová

Originální název

Development of Changes in Corporate Governance Considering its Nonfinancial Factors through the Companies and Investors Lens





Originální abstrakt

The aim of this paper is to extend the existing knowledge of the IPO influence on corporate governance with regard to the impact of non-financial factors. The paper brings a new perspective by defining non-financial factors that are affecting key aspects of corporate governance and focuses on te non-financial factors that infuence corporate governance in the IPO phase and after its implementation. This paper closely examines non-financial factors that play the most importatnt role in the company. Variability of non-financial factors in time is described and the basis of the relevant implementation that can move the company into the next successful phase of its financial future is proposed. The form of coproate governance is shaped by many different influences and is country specific. Therefore, the Polish market was set as a reference point in order to eliminate the impact of these defferences on the final outcome of the research.

Klíčová slova

Corporate Governance, IPO, non-financial factors


Andrea Krýslová


27. 11. 2018

Strany počet



  author="Andrea {Krýslová}",
  title="Development of Changes in Corporate Governance Considering its Nonfinancial Factors through the Companies and Investors Lens",