Detail publikace

Energy Flow Visualization using Particle System

DUDAREV, I. Wittstock, V. Puerzel, F. Schumann, M.

Originální název

Energy Flow Visualization using Particle System

Anglický název

Použíti systém částic pro visualizace energetických toků


článek ve sborníku ve WoS nebo Scopus



Originální abstrakt

It is difficult to imagine modern science without using graphs, charts or diagrams. They are used to provide deeper insights regarding particular details. However, in the course of time, methods for data representation are changing. Other visualization methods, like virtual reality, have been developed. Especially for processes that cannot be seen in reality, intuitive visualizations are the basis to create understanding for the process itself. Energy management is a complex problem where a deep understanding of the underlying processes, like energy flows, is a necessary basis. In this paper, we therefore present a new method of energy visualization. This method is based on the con-cept of particle systems. The main idea of using particle systems for the visualization of energy is to show dynamic changes of energy consumption over time. This new visualization should be easy to understand and more intuitive and comprehensive as the existing ones. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop and implement a method that visualizes the energy flow, e.g. inside a machine tool in 3D space, by a representation of the energy flow through a particle system.

Anglický abstrakt

It is difficult to imagine modern science without using graphs, charts or diagrams. They are used to provide deeper insights regarding particular details. However, in the course of time, methods for data representation are changing. Other visualization methods, like virtual reality, have been developed. Especially for processes that cannot be seen in reality, intuitive visualizations are the basis to create understanding for the process itself. Energy management is a complex problem where a deep understanding of the underlying processes, like energy flows, is a necessary basis. In this paper, we therefore present a new method of energy visualization. This method is based on the con-cept of particle systems. The main idea of using particle systems for the visualization of energy is to show dynamic changes of energy consumption over time. This new visualization should be easy to understand and more intuitive and comprehensive as the existing ones. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to develop and implement a method that visualizes the energy flow, e.g. inside a machine tool in 3D space, by a representation of the energy flow through a particle system.

Klíčová slova

Visualization, Particle system, Sankey diagram

Klíčová slova v angličtině

Visualization, Particle system, Sankey diagram


DUDAREV, I.; Wittstock, V.; Puerzel, F.; Schumann, M.




26. 8. 2014


Fraunhofer-Institut fur Werkzeugmaschinene und Umfortechnik


Germamy, Chemnitz




3. Methodenband der Querschnittsarbeitsgruppe "Energetisch-wirtschaftliche Bilanzierung" des Spitzentechnologieclusters eniPROD

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  author="DUDAREV, I. and Wittstock, V. and Puerzel, F. and Schumann, M.",
  title="Energy Flow Visualization using Particle System",
  booktitle="3. Methodenband der Querschnittsarbeitsgruppe {"}Energetisch-wirtschaftliche Bilanzierung{"} des Spitzentechnologieclusters eniPROD",
  publisher="Fraunhofer-Institut fur Werkzeugmaschinene und Umfortechnik",
  address="Germamy, Chemnitz",