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study programme
Original title in Czech: Informační bezpečnostFaculty: FEECAbbreviation: MPC-IBEAcad. year: 2022/2023
Type of study programme: Master's
Study programme code: N0612A060001
Degree awarded: Ing.
Language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 28.5.2029
Profile of the programme
Academically oriented
Mode of study
Full-time study
Standard study length
2 years
Programme supervisor
prof. Ing. Jan Hajný, Ph.D.
Degree Programme Board
Chairman :prof. Ing. Jan Hajný, Ph.D.Councillor internal :Ing. Dominik Galáddoc. Ing. Václav Zeman, Ph.D.prof. JUDr. Radim Polčák, Ph.D.doc. Ing. Lukáš Malina, Ph.D.Councillor external :doc. Mgr. Karel Slavíček, Ph.D.
Fields of education
Study aims
This study program provides higher interdisciplinary education in the field of information security. The study plan combines technical fields, such as applied mathematics, cryptography, informatics, and humanities, especially law. Courses are provided by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Brno University of Technology. The aim of this program is to fully prepare experts in the field of information security who will be able to technically carry out mechanisms and systems of cyber security with respect to the Czech and international legislation´s requirements. This aim is achieved thanks to the integration of advanced courses covering the theory of communication systems, modern cryptography and theoretical informatics which are followed by practical courses focusing on particular information and communication technologies (ICT). To broaden the knowledge, students choose subjects from other programs of master´s degree programmes at FEEC BUT, the language subjects and general knowledge subjects. Master´s degree programme can be studied after successfully completing Bachelor´s degree programme (with Bachelor´s Diploma Thesis), preferably in a study programme focusing on information security.
Graduate profile
The graduates acquire qualification for work experience in the fields which involve knowledge of technical, social and legal branches to ensure information security. The graduates acquire knowledge of advanced mathematics, modern cryptography and theory of information and communication technology. This knowledge is supported by knowledge of related law fields. Following the theoretical knowledge, the students also possess practical skills for using devices used in the field of information processing and transferring. After completing the study programme, the graduates will be ready to work in the job positions such as security administrators, analytics, developers in ICT, auditors, research workers or ICT security experts. The graduates will be able to design and implement security architecture of ICT systems and evaluate related legal and economic impacts. They will be able to analyse in detail not only function of existing security systems but principles, algorithms and implementation aspects in which the existing security systems are based on. The graduates will be able to provide procedural, personal and administrative requirements required by cyber security legislation.
Profession characteristics
Graduates of the study program will find employment in the labor market mainly in technical positions focused on the design, construction and management of information and communication systems. Specific examples of professional employment are, for example, the positions of security administrators, auditors, IT security consultants, analysts, software developers, managers of security teams or sales representatives in the field of ICT security. A comprehensive approach covering key aspects of modern information security will enable students to obtain the education necessary not only for purely technical, but also managerial and economic positions in the labor market. Emphasis is also placed on the language preparation of students, especially on professional English.
Study plan creation
Courses are evaluated according to ECTS credits. The credit expresses an approximate weekly student's workload for the course. Credits for a given course are obtained after the prescribed completion, i.e. after awarding a credit, classified credit, or by passing an exam under the conditions of the BUT Rules of Study and Examination, the internal standard of the Rules for Organization of Studies at FEEC and the composition and content individually defined in each course. In a two-year master study, the student must earn at least 120 credits in the specified credit composition: 94 credits in compulsory courses, 26 credits in compulsory elective (PV) courses, 6 credits in elective courses, Obligatory courses are usually completed by the student in semesters and years as stated in the curriculum. If a student fails to complete a compulsory course in the prescribed manner, he / she must register it again in the following year of his / her studies. Compulsory elective courses of profiling fundamentals (PVA) are field-oriented professional courses that profile the student into narrower areas of his / her interests. Other compulsory (PVB) courses are other professional courses included in the offers of the departments of FEEC BUT. Their goal is to extend students' professional knowledge. The student chooses to select PV courses in individual semesters so that at the end of his / her bachelor's degree he / she has at least the prescribed minimum of credits in each group of PV courses, while not obtaining the minimum number of credits in one group of PV courses cannot be compensated by exceeding the number of credits obtained in another group of PV courses. Elective courses extend the general knowledge of students. Courses are chosen by the student himself or herself from a full-faculty offer (FEEC departments) or from the other faculties of VUT (so-called free courses) and can pass them in any year or semester of master study. Elective courses include Physical Education. If a student has not successfully completed an elective course, he / she may or may not write another academic year in the next academic year. Students must obtain the corresponding electrotechnic qualification at the beginning of their study. Students who begin their study in the year 2020/21 and later, have to fulfil one subject in English for successful study graduation, according to the Guideline BUT To education of foreign languages.
Availability for the disabled
All lecture rooms at the FEEC BUT allow disabled access; students, however, must meet the medical standards to acquire the necessary electrotechnical qualifications. In laboratory classes and practicals, students are required to independently operate measuring instruments and related equipment without endangering human health or damaging property.
What degree programme types may have preceded
The graduates may continue in a doctoral study programme.