prof. Ing.

Martin Vrbka


FME, IMID DT – Professor

+420 54114 3237

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prof. Ing. Martin Vrbka, Ph.D.


  • 2024

    CHAMRADOVÁ, I.; TUŠLOVÁ, K.; REBENDA, D.; ČÍPEK, P.; VRBKA, M.; VOJTOVÁ, L. Synthetic Hydrogels as Cartilage Models for Biomimetic Tribological Testing. Greece, Thessaloniki: 2024. p. 152-152.

    ŽÁČEK, J.; STRECKER, Z.; JENIŠ, F.; MACHÁČEK, O.; GOLDASZ, J; SAPINSKI, B.; VRBKA, M.; KUBÍK, M. Impact of magnetorheological fluid composition on their behaviour in gradient pinch mode. Scientific Reports, 2024, vol. 31320, no. 14, p. 1-12. ISSN: 2045-2322.
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  • 2023

    NEČAS, D.; KULÍŠEK, V.; ŠTĚPÁN, P.; ONDREÁŠ, F.; ČÍPEK, P.; HUERTA-ANGELES, G.; VRBKA, M. Friction and Lubrication of Eye/Lens/Lid Interface: The Effect of Lubricant and Contact Lens Material. Tribology Letters, 2023, vol. 71, no. 4, p. 118-118. ISSN: 1023-8883.
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    NEČAS, D.; YARIMITSU, S.; REBENDA, D.; SHINMORI, H.; VRBKA, M.; SAWAE, Y.; MURAKAMI, T.; KŘUPKA, I. On the Replacement of Articular Cartilage: The Friction of PVA Hydrogel Layer in Hip Simulator Test. Tribology International, 2023, vol. 178, no. Part B, p. 108100-108100. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    REBENDA, D.; RANUŠA, M.; ČÍPEK, P.; TOROPITSYN, E.; VRBKA, M. In Situ Observation of Hyaluronan Molecular Weight Effectiveness within Articular Cartilage Lubrication. Lubricants, 2023, vol. 11, no. 1, ISSN: 2075-4442.
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    ODEHNAL, L.; RANUŠA, M.; WIMMER, M.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Development of lubrication film and influence on friction in a total knee replacement during a gait cycle. Tribology International, 2023, vol. 178, no. Únor, p. 108073-108073. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    ODEHNAL, L.; RANUŠA, M.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Tribological Behaviour of Ti6Al4V Alloy: An Application in Small Joint Implants. Tribology Letters, 2023, vol. 71, no. 4, p. 125-125. ISSN: 1023-8883.
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    NEŠPOROVÁ, K.; MATONOHOVÁ, J.; HUSBY, J.; TOROPITSYN, E.; DIVOKÁ STUPECKÁ, L.; HUSBY, A.; SUCHÁNKOVÁ KLEPLOVÁ, T.; STREĎANSKÁ, A.; ŠIMEK, M.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; SCHLEIP, R.; VELEBNÝ, V. Injecting hyaluronan in the thoracolumbar fascia: A model study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, 2023, vol. 253, no. 3, p. 126879-126879. ISSN: 0141-8130.
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  • 2022

    RANUŠA, M.; ČÍPEK, P.; VRBKA, M.; PALOUŠEK, D.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Tribological behaviour of 3D printed materials for small joint implants: A pilot study. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2022, vol. 105274, no. 132, ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    QUINN, C.; NEČAS, D.; ŠPERKA, P.; MARIAN, M.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Experimental investigation of friction in compliant contact: The effect of configuration, viscoelasticity and operating conditions. Tribology International, 2022, vol. 165, no. 1, p. 107340-107340. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    RANUŠA, M.; ONDRA, M.; REBENDA, D.; VRBKA, M.; GALLO, J.; KŘUPKA, I. Effects of Viscosupplementation on Tribological Behaviour of Articular Cartilage. Lubricants, 2022, vol. 10, no. 12, ISSN: 2075-4442.
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    STREĎANSKÁ, A.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; TOROPITSYN, E.; HUSBY, J. Development of Tribological Model of Human Fascia: The Influence of Material Hardness and Motion Speed. Biotribology, 2022, vol. 30, no. 2, p. 100209-100209. ISSN: 2352-5738.
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    TOROPITSYN, E.; PRAVDA, M.; REBENDA, D.; ŠČIGALKOVÁ, I.; VRBKA, M.; VELEBNÝ, V. A composite device for viscosupplementation treatment resistant to degradation by reactive oxygen species and hyaluronidase. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials (Electronic), 2022, vol. 110, no. 2, p. 2595-2611. ISSN: 1552-4981.
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  • 2021

    RUFAQUA, R.; VRBKA, M.; HEMZAL, D.; CHOUDHURY, D.; REBENDA, D.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Raman analysis of chemisorbed tribofilm for metal-on-polyethylene hip joint prostheses. Biosurface and Biotribology, 2021, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1-11. ISSN: 2405-4518.
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    RUFAQUA, R.; VRBKA, M.; HEMZAL, D.; CHOUDHURY, D.; REBENDA, D.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Analysis of Chemisorbed Tribo-Film for Ceramic-on-Ceramic Hip Joint Prostheses by Raman Spectroscopy. Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2021, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 1-18. ISSN: 2079-4983.
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    NEČAS, D.; SADECKÁ, K.; VRBKA, M.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; WIMMER, M.A.; GALLO, J.; HARTL, M. The Effect of Albumin and γ-globulin on Synovial Fluid Lubrication: Implication for Knee Joint Replacements. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2021, vol. 113, no. 1, p. 104117-104117. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    RANUŠA, M.; WIMMER, M.; FULLAM, S.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Analysis of Friction in Total Knee Prosthesis during a Standard Gait Cycle. Lubricants, 2021, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 1-14. ISSN: 2075-4442.
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    MARIAN, M.; ORGELDINGER, C.; ROTHAMMER, R.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; WIMMER, M.A.; TREMMEL, S.; WARTZACK, S. Towards the Understanding of Lubrication Mechanisms in Total Knee Replacements – Part II: Numerical Modeling. Tribology International, 2021, vol. 156, no. 4, p. 106809-106809. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; MARIAN, M.; ROTHAMMER, B.; TREMMEL, S.; WARTZACK, S.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; GALLO, J.; WIMMER, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Towards the Understanding of Lubrication Mechanisms in Total Knee Replacements – Part I: Experimental Investigations. Tribology International, 2021, vol. 156, no. 4, p. 106874-106874. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    SVOBODA, P.; ŠIKULA, P.; VRBKA, M.; NEČAS, D.; ROUBALÍKOVÁ, L. VYUŽITÍ TRIBOLOGICKÝCH METOD PRO PREDIKCI OPOTŘEBENÍ DENTÁLNÍCH VÝPLŇOVÝCH MATERIÁLŮ. Česká Stomatologie a Praktické zubní lékařství. Česká lékařská společnost J.E.Purkyně FF FP, 2021, vol. 121, no. 4, p. 108-115. ISSN: 1213-0613.
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    ČÍPEK, P.; VRBKA, M.; REBENDA, D.; NEČAS, D.; KŘUPKA, I. Biotribology of synovial cartilage: Role of albumin in adsorbed film formation. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2021, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 1-12. ISSN: 2215-0986.
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    ČERNOHLÁVEK, M.; BRANDEJSOVÁ, M.; ŠTĚPÁN, P.; VÁGNEROVÁ, H.; HERMANNOVÁ, M.; KOPECKÁ, K.; KULHÁNEK, J.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; VELEBNÝ, V.; ANGELES, G. Insight into the Lubrication and Adhesion Properties of Hyaluronan for Ocular Drug Delivery. Biomolecules, 2021, vol. 11, no. 10, p. 1431-1431. ISSN: 2218-273X.
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    REBENDA, D.; VRBKA, M.; NEČAS, D.; TOROPITSYN, E.; YARIMITSU, S.; ČÍPEK, P.; PRAVDA, M.; HARTL, M. Rheological and frictional analysis of viscosupplements towards improved lubrication of human joints. Tribology International, 2021, vol. 160, no. 1, p. 107030-107030. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    HILŠER, P.; SUCHÁNKOVÁ, A.; MENDOVÁ, K.; FILIPIČ, K.E.; DANIEL, M.; VRBKA, M. A new insight into more effective viscosupplementation based on the synergy of hyaluronic acid and phospholipids for cartilage friction reduction. Biotribology, 2021, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 100166-100166. ISSN: 2352-5738.
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  • 2020

    FURMANN, D.; NEČAS, D.; REBENDA, D.; ČÍPEK, P.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The effect of synovial fluid composition, speed and load on frictional behaviour of articular cartilage. Materials, 2020, vol. 13, no. 6, p. 1-16. ISSN: 1996-1944.
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    LU, X.; NEČAS, D.; MENG, Q.; REBENDA, D.; VRBKA, M.; HARTL, M.; JIN, Z. Towards the direct validation of computational lubrication modelling of hip replacements. Tribology International, 2020, vol. 146, no. 6, p. 106240-106240. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    ČÍPEK, P.; VRBKA, M.; REBENDA, D.; NEČAS, D.; KŘUPKA, I. Biotribology of Synovial Cartilage: A New Method for Visualization of Lubricating Film and Simultaneous Measurement of the Friction Coefficient. Materials, 2020, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 1-20. ISSN: 1996-1944.
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    REBENDA, D.; VRBKA, M.; ČÍPEK, P.; TOROPITSYN, E.; NEČAS, D.; PRAVDA, M.; HARTL, M. On the Dependence of Rheology of Hyaluronic Acid Solutions and Frictional Behavior of Articular Cartilage. Materials, 2020, vol. 13, no. 11, p. 1-14. ISSN: 1996-1944.
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  • 2019

    VRBKA, M. Vývoj bioimplantátů s využitím různých přístupů aditivní technologie výroby. 2019.

    RUFAQUA, R.; VRBKA, M.; CHOUDHURY, D.; HEMZAL, D.; REBENDA, D.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Raman spectroscopic analysis of the biochemical reaction of hyaluronic acid in joint replacement. Nashville: 2019.

    ČÍPEK, P.; REBENDA, D.; VRBKA, M.; HARTL, M. OBSERVATION OF LUBRICATION FILM IN SYNOVIAL JOINT. In Proceedings on Engineering Science. Proceedings on Engineering Sciences - 16th International Conference on Tribology. Kragujevac: University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, 2019. p. 687-692. ISSN: 2620-2832.

    RUFAQUA, R.; VRBKA, M.; CHOUDHURY, D.; HEMZAL, D.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. A systematic review on correlation between biochemical and mechanical processes of lubricant film formation in joint replacement of the last 10 years. Lubrication Science, 2019, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 85-101. ISSN: 1557-6833.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. On the observation of lubrication mechanisms within hip joint replacements. Part I: Hard-on-soft bearing pairs. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2019, vol. 89, no. 1, p. 237-248. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; GALLO, J.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. On the observation of lubrication mechanisms within hip joint replacements. Part II: Hard-on-hard bearing pairs. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2019, vol. 89, no. 1, p. 249-259. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    ČÍPEK, P.; REBENDA, D.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Visualization of Lubrication Film in Model of Synovial Joint. Tribology in Industry, 2019, vol. 41, no. 3, p. 387-393. ISSN: 0354-8996.
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    REBENDA, D.; ČÍPEK, P.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Effect of Hyaluronic Acid Molecular Weight on Friction of Articular Cartilage. In Proceedings on Engineering Sciences - 16th International Conference on Tribology. Proceedings on Engineering Sciences - 16th International Conference on Tribology. Kragujevac: University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering, 2019. p. 693-697. ISSN: 2620-2832.

    NEČAS, D.; SADECKÁ, K.; VRBKA, M.; GALLO, J.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Observation of lubrication mechanisms in knee replacement: A pilot study. Biotribology, 2019, vol. 17, no. 2019, p. 1-7. ISSN: 2352-5738.
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  • 2018

    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; REBENDA, D.; GALLO, J.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; WOLFOVÁ, L.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. In Situ Observation of Lubricant Film Formation in THR Considering Real Conformity: The Effect of Model Synovial Fluid Composition. Tribology International, 2018, vol. 117, no. 1, p. 206-216. ISSN: 0301-679X.
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    CHOUDHURY, D.; RANUŠA, M.; FLEMING, R. A.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; TEETER M. G.; GOSS, J.; ZOU, M. Mechanical Wear and Oxidative Degradation Analysis of Retrieved Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Acetabular Cups. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2018, vol. 79, no. 1, p. 314-323. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    NEČAS, D.; JAROŠ, T.; DOČKAL, K.; ŠPERKA, P.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The effect of kinematic conditions on film thickness in compliant lubricated contact. ASME Transaction, Journal of Tribology, 2018, vol. 140, no. 5, p. 1-8. ISSN: 0742-4787.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The Effect of Kinematic Conditions and Synovial Fluid Composition on the Frictional Behaviour of Materials for Artificial Joints. Materials, 2018, vol. 11, no. 5, p. 1-12. ISSN: 1996-1944.
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    REBENDA, D.; ČÍPEK, P.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; HARTL, M. Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on Friction of Articular Cartilage. In Engineering Mechanics 2018. First. Praha: Institute of Theretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2018. p. 709-712. ISBN: 978-80-86246-91-8.
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    ČÍPEK, P.; REBENDA, D.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Development of reciprocating tribometer for testing synovial joint. In Engineering Mechanics 2018. Engineering Mechanics 2018. First edition. Praha: Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 2018. p. 169-172. ISBN: 978-80-86246-88-8. ISSN: 1805-8256.
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    ZEMAN, J.; RANUŠA, M.; VRBKA, M.; GALLO, J.; M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. UHMWPE acetabular cup creep deformation during the run-in phase of THA's life cycle. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2018, vol. 87, no. 1, p. 30-39. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; GALLO, J.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. An Investigation of Lubrication Mechanisms within Hard-on-soft Hip Implants: A Pilot Study. In Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018 (ASIATRIB 2018). Malajsie: Malaysian Tribology Society, 2018. p. 149-150. ISBN: 978-967-13625-2-5.
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    CHOUDHURY, D.; REBENDA, D.; SASAKI, S.; HEKRLE, P.; VRBKA, M.; ZOU, M. Enhanced lubricant film formation through micro-dimpled hard-on-hard artificial hip joint: An in-situ observation of dimple shape effects. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2018, vol. 81, no. 5, p. 120-129. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    RANUŠA, M.; GALLO, J.; VRBKA, M.; HOBZA, M.; PALOUŠEK, D.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Wear Analysis of Extracted Polyethylene Acetabular Cups Using a 3D Optical Scanner. TRIBOLOGY & LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2018, vol. 74, no. 6, p. 68-84. ISSN: 1545-858X.
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    R. Rufaqua, M. Vrbka, D. Choudhury, D. Hemzal, I. Křupka, M. Hartl. THE BIOCHEMICAL PROCESS OF LUBRICANT FILM FORMATION IN JOINT REPLACEMENT. In Engineering Mechanics 2018. First. Praha: Institute of Theretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2018. p. 725-728. ISBN: 978-80-86246-88-8.
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  • 2017

    NEČAS, D.; SAWAE, Y.; FUJISAWA, T.; NAKASHIMA, K.; MORITA, T.; YAMAGUCHI, T.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The Influence of Proteins and Speed on Friction and Adsorption of Metal/ UHMWPE Contact Pair. Biotribology, 2017, vol. 11, no. 2017, p. 51-59. ISSN: 2352-5738.
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    RANUŠA, M.; GALLO, J.; HOBZA, M.; VRBKA, M.; NEČAS, D.; HARTL, M. Opotřebení a drsnost artikulačního povrchu u extrahovaných polyetylénů jamky Bicon-Plus. Acta Chirurgie Orthopaedicae et Traumatologie Čechoslovaca, 2017, vol. 84, no. 3, p. 159-167. ISSN: 0001-5415.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; GALLO, J.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Observation of lubrication mechanisms within artificial hip joints. Sixth World Tribology Congress (WTC 2017). Peking: Chinese Tribology Institute (CTI), 2017. p. 1-4.

    CHOUDHURY, D.; VRBKA, M.; MAMAT, A.B.; STAVNESS, I.; ROY, CH.K.; MOOTANAH, R.; KŘUPKA, I. The impact of surface and geometry on coefficient of friction of artificial hip joints. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2017, vol. 72, no. 8, p. 192-199. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; URBAN, F.; GALLO, J.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. In situ observation of lubricant film formation in THR considering real conformity: The effect of diameter, clearance and material. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2017, vol. 69, no. 5, p. 66-74. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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  • 2016

    TKACHENKO, S.; NEČAS, D.; DATSKEVICH, O.; ČUPERA, J.; SPOTZ, Z.; VRBKA, M.; KULAK, L.; FORET, R. Tribological Performance of Ti-Si-Based in Situ Composites. TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS, 2016, vol. 59, no. 2, p. 340-351. ISSN: 1040-2004.
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    CHOUDHURY, D.; GHOSH, S.; ALI, F.; VRBKA, M.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. The influence of surface modification on friction and lubrication mechanism under a bovine serum lubricated condition. TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS, 2016, vol. 59, no. 2, p. 316-322. ISSN: 1040-2004.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; URBAN, F.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. The effect of lubricant constituents on lubrication mechanisms in hip joint replacements. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2016, vol. 55, no. 3, p. 295-307. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; ULRICHOVÁ, J.; LANGOVÁ, K.; HANÁKOVÁ, A.; VRBKA, M.; HARTL, M.; GALLO, J. Characteristics of synovial fluid required for optimization of lubrication fluid for biotribological experiments. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials (Electronic), 2016, vol. 105, no. 6, p. 1422-1431. ISSN: 1552-4981.
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    DONG, J.; SVOBODA, P.; VRBKA, M.; KOŠŤÁL, D.; URBAN, F.; ČÍŽEK, J.; ROUPCOVÁ, P.; DONG, H.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Towards near-permanent CoCrMo prosthesis surface by combining micro-texturing and low temperature plasma carburising. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2016, vol. 55, no. 1, p. 215-227. ISSN: 1751-6161.

    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A. Lubrication within hip replacements – Implication for ceramic-on-hard bearing couples. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2016, vol. 61, no. 8, p. 371-383. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    RANUŠA, M.; GALLO, J.; VRBKA, M.; HOBZA, M.; PALOUŠEK, D.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Wear Analysis of Extracted Polyethylene Acetabular Cups Using a 3D Optical Scanner. TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS, 2016, vol. 60, no. 3, p. 437-447. ISSN: 1040-2004.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; YARIMITSU, S.; NAKASHIMA, K.; SAWAE, Y.; ŠPERKA, P.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Frictional properties of PVA hydrogel. In The Latest Methods of Construction Design. Springer International Publishing, 2016. p. 159-164. ISBN: 978-3-319-22761-0.
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  • 2015

    CHOUDHURY, D.; CHING, H.A.; MAMAT, A.B.; ČÍŽEK, J.; ABU OSMAN, N.A.; VRBKA, M.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Fabrication and characterization of DLC coated microdimples on hip prosthesis heads. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials (Print), 2015, vol. 103, no. 5, p. 1002-1012. ISSN: 1552-4973.
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    CHOUDHURY, D.; URBAN, F.; VRBKA, M.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. A novel tribological study on DLC-coated micro-dimpled Orthopedics implant interface. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2015, vol. 2015, no. 45, p. 121-131. ISSN: 1751-6161.
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    VRBKA, M.; NEČAS, D.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; URBAN, F.; GALLO, J. Visualization of lubricating films between artificial head and cup with respect to real geometry. Biotribology, 2015, vol. 1-2, no. 1, p. 61-65. ISSN: 2352-5738.
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    VRBKA, M.; NEČAS, D.; BARTOŠÍK, J.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A.; GALLO, J. Stanovení součinitele tření hlavic a jamek TEP kyčle. Acta Chirurgie Orthopaedicae et Traumatologie Čechoslovaca, 2015, vol. 82, no. 5, p. 341-347. ISSN: 0001- 5415.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; URBAN, F.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; GALLO, J. An experimental investigation of lubricant film formation in artificial hip joints. Proceedings of The 8th International Biotribology Forum and The 36th Biotribology Symposium. Yokohama: 2015. p. 73-74.

    URBAN, F.; NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. In Situ Observation of Lubricant Film within Artificial Hip Joints. Tokyo: Japanese Society of Tribologists, 2015. p. 860-861.

    VRBKA, M. Testování biotribologických vlastností materiálů. Brno: 2015. p. 1-3.

    NEČAS, D.; ŠPERKA, P.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Film thickness mapping in lubricated contacts using fluorescence. MM Science Journal, 2015, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 821-824. ISSN: 1803-1269.

  • 2014

    VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; GALLO, J.; GALANDÁKOVÁ, A. In situ measurements of thin films in bovine serum lubricated contacts using optical interferometry. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE, 2014, vol. 228, no. 2, p. 149-158. ISSN: 0954-4119.

    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; YARIMITSU, S.; NAKASHIMA, K.; SAWAE, Y.; ŠPERKA, P.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Frictional Properties of PVA Hydrogel. In 55th International Conference of Machine Design Departments. 2014. p. 147-152. ISBN: 978-80-01-05542- 7.

    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; ŠPERKA, P.; DRUCKMÜLLER, M.; SKLÁDAL, P.; ŠTARHA, P.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Qualitative Analysis of Film Thickness in Rolling EHD Contact by Fluorescence Technique. In Modern Methods of Construction Design. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer International Publishing, 2014. p. 615-622. ISBN: 978-3-319-05202- 1. ISSN: 2195- 4356.
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    TKACHENKO, S.; NEČAS, D.; DATSKEVICH, O.; ČUPERA, J.; SPOTZ, Z.; VRBKA, M.; KULAK, L.; FORET, R. Tribological behavior of Ti–Si based in situ composites under sliding. In Metal 2014. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2014. p. 2704-2709. ISBN: 978-80-87294-52-9.
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  • 2013

    VRBKA, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; ŠPERKA, P.; GALLO, J. Study of film formation in bovine serum lubricated contacts under rolling/sliding conditions. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY, 2013, vol. 227, no. 5, p. 459-475. ISSN: 1350-6501.

    VRBKA, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; GALLO, J. MAPPING OF FILM THICKNESS IN BOVINE SERUM LUBRICATED CONTACTS. Engineering Mechanics, 2013, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 27-41. ISSN: 1802- 1484.

    GALLO, J.; HARTL, M.; VRBKA, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; KŘUPKA, I. Co by měl vědět ortoped o biotribologii totální endoprotézy kyčelního kloubu. Acta Chirurgie Orthopaedicae et Traumatologie Čechoslovaca, 2013, vol. 80, no. 6, p. 377-385. ISSN: 0001- 5415.
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    VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; GALLO, J. Study of lubricating mechanisms in artificial hip joints. In 5th World Tribology Congress, WTC 2013. 1. Torino, Italy: Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS), 2013. p. 467-469. ISBN: 9781634393522.
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    NEČAS, D.; VRBKA, M.; ŠPERKA, P.; DRUCKMÜLLER, M.;SKLÁDAL, P.; ŠTARHA, P.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Qualitative Analysis of Film Thickness in Rolling EHD Contact by Fluorescence Technique. In Book of Proceedings of 54th International Conference of Machine Design Departments. Springer, 2013. p. 513-520. ISBN: 978-80-7372-986- 8.

    NÁVRAT, T.; VRBKA, M.; LAŠTŮVKA, J.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; GALLO, J. Effect of contact condition on film thickness formation in artificial joints. In Mechatronics 2013. Springer International Publishing Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2013. p. 863-868. ISBN: 978-3-319-02293- 2.
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  • 2012

    LAŠTŮVKA, J.; BOSÁK, D.; NÁVRAT, T.; VRBKA, M. Effect of Slide-to- roll Ratio on Film Thickness Formation in Bovine Serum Lubricated Contact. In Proceedings of the 50th Anuual Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2012. p. 247-252. ISBN: 978-80-01-05060- 6.

    BOSÁK, D.; LAŠTŮVKA, J.; VRBKA, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. MAPPING OF LUBRICATING FILM THICKNESS IN HUMAN HIP JOINT REPLACEMENTS. MM Science Journal, 2012, vol. 2012, no. 12, p. 378-381. ISSN: 1803- 1269.
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    VRBKA, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; GALLO, J.; ADAM, T. Effect of Proteins on Film Formation in Bovine Serum Lubricated Contacts. In 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (NORDTRIB 2012). 1. Trondheim, Norway: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2012. p. 91-91. ISBN: 978-82-14-05270- 1.


    BOSÁK, D.; LAŠTŮVKA, J.; VRBKA, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. Mapping of lubricating film thickness in human hip joint replacements. In 53rd International Conference of Machine Design Departments. 1. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2012. p. 45-52. ISBN: 978-80-214-4533- 8.

  • 2011

    VAVERKA, M.; ZAPLETAL, L.; ŠAMÁNEK, O.; VRBKA, M. Influence of Surface Dents on Elastohydrodynamic and Mixed Lubrication. In Engineering Mechanics 2011. 17th international Conference. Brno: IT ASCR, 2011. p. 643-646. ISBN: 978-80-87012-33- 8.

    VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; SVOBODA, P.; ŠPERKA, P.; NÁVRAT, T.; HARTL, M.; NOHAVA, J. Effect of shot peening on rolling contact fatigue and lubricant film thickness within mixed lubricated non-conformal rolling/ sliding contacts. Tribology International, 2011, vol. 44, no. 12, p. 1726-1735. ISSN: 0301- 679X.

    VAVERKA, M.; VRBKA, M.; FICZA, I.; ŠPERKA, P. Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Surface Asperities on Tribological Parameters in Lubricated Point Contact. In Proceedings of the International Conference BALTTRIB 2011. Balttrib 2009 Conference proceedings. 6. Kaunas, Litva: Aleksandras Stulginskis University, 2011. p. 117-121. ISBN: 978-609-449-006- 4. ISSN: 1822- 8801.

    SVOBODA, P.; VRBKA, M.; ŠPERKA, P.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Study of Lubrication Film Formation in Ball Bearings Under Starved Conditions. In ASME/ STLE 2011 International Joint Tribology Conference. 1. Los Angeles, CA, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Tribology Division, TRIB, 2011. p. 183-185. ISBN: 978-0-7918-5474- 7.

    VRBKA, M.; ZIMMERMAN, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Mapping of film thickness in bovine serum lubricated contacts. In International Conference on BioTribology (ICoBT 2011). 1. Londýn: Imperial College, 2011. p. 1-2.

  • 2010

    VAVERKA, M.; ZAPLETAL, L.; ŠPERKA, P.; VRBKA, M.; SVOBODA, P.; KŘUPKA, I. Vliv povrchových mikronerovností a defektů na rozložení kontaktního tlaku a tloušťky mazacího filmu za podmínek elastohydrodynamického mazání. In Failures of rolling bearings / Poruchy valivých ložísk. Bratislava: KONGRES Management, 2010. p. 55-58. ISBN: 978-80-89275-24- 3.

    VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; SVOBODA, P. Effect of Surface Topography Modifications on Rolling Contact Fatigue of Mixed Lubricated Contacts. In Proceedings of a meeting held 16-20 May 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: STLE, 2010. p. 1-3. ISBN: 9781617387272.

    VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; ŠAMÁNEK, O.; SVOBODA, P.; VAVERKA, M.; HARTL, M. Effect of surface texturing on lubrication film formation and rolling contact fatigue within mixed lubricated non- conformal contacts. MECCANICA, 2010, vol. 2010, no. 06, p. 1-8. ISSN: 0025- 6455.
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    VRBKA, M.; ŠAMÁNEK, O.; ŠPERKA, P.; NÁVRAT, T.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Effect of surface texturing on rolling contact fatigue within mixed lubricated non-conformal rolling/ sliding contacts. Tribology International, 2010, vol. 43, no. 8, p. 1457-1465. ISSN: 0301- 679X.
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    ŠAMÁNEK, O.; ZIMMERMAN, M.; SVOBODA, P.; KŘUPKA, I.; VRBKA, M. Influence of Surface Texturing on Lubricant Film Formation and Surface Fatigue. Engineering Mechanics, 2010, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 27-36. ISSN: 1802- 1484.

  • 2009

    KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M.; POLIŠČUK, R. Effect of surface dents on contact pressure in elastohydrodynamic contacts. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J- JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY, 2009, vol. 223, no. 4, p. 683-693. ISSN: 1350- 6501.

    KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M.; SVOBODA, P.; ŠAMÁNEK, O. The Effect of Surface Texturing on Lubricant Film Thickness and Contact Pressure within Non- Conformal Surfaces. In Ecotrib 2009 - 2nd European Conference on Tribology. 1. Pisa, Italy: Engineering Faculty, University of Pisa, 2009. p. 115-120. ISBN: 978-88-467-2426- 7.

  • 2008

    VAVERKA, M.; VRBKA, M.; POLIŠČUK, R.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Numerical evaluation of pressure from experimentally measured film thickness in EHL point contact. Lubrication Science, 2008, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 47-59. ISSN: 0954- 0075.

    NÁVRAT, T.; VRBKA, M.; FLORIAN, Z.; ROZKYDAL, Z. Strain- stress analysis of pathological hip joint after osteotomy. Engineering Mechanics, 2008, vol. 15, no. 5, p. 345-354. ISSN: 1802- 1484.

    KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; VRBKA, M. Effect of surface texturing on mixed lubricated non- conformal contacts. Tribology International, 2008, vol. 41, no. 11, p. 1063-1073. ISSN: 0301- 679X.

  • 2007

    POKORNÝ, P.; NÁVRAT, T.; KAŠPÁREK, J.; VRBKA, M. Ověření charakteristik ocelového lana závěsu výložníku u věžového jeřábu MB 1030. 11. In Zdvíhací zařízení v teorii a praxi 2007. Brno: VUT Brno 2007, 2007. p. 130-133. ISBN: 978-80-214-3391- 5.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M.; POLIŠČUK, R.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Pressure Calculation from Experimentally Evaluated Lubricant Thickness within EHL Contacts. In Proceedings of the ASME/ STLE International Joint Tribology Conference 2007. STLE/ ASME. San Diego, California, USA: ASME/ STLE, 2007. p. 1-3. ISBN: 978-0-7918-4810- 4.

    POLIŠČUK, R.; VAVERKA, M.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Optimized Mapping of Pressure in Lubricated Point Contacts Based on Measured Film Thickness. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Seattle: ASME, 2007. p. DVD ( p.)ISBN: 0-7918-3812- 9.

    ŠAMÁNEK, O.; VRBKA, M. Vliv povrchových nerovností na funkci mazaných kontaktů strojních součástí. In Konference diplomových prací 2007. 1. Ústav konstruování, fakulta strojního inženýrství, VUT v Brně: Ústav konstruování, 2007. p. 1-3. ISBN: 978-80-214-3406- 6.

    VRBKA, M.; PALOUŠEK, D.; BRANDEJS, J. Konference diplomových prací 2007 na FSI. Události na VUT v Brně, 2007, vol. 17, no. 7, p. 21-21. ISSN: 1211- 4421.

    ŠEVČÍK, M.; VRBKA, M. Computational modelling of spur gear using FEM. In Konference diplomových prací. 1. Ústav konstruování, Fakulta strojního inženýrství, VUT v Brně: Ústav konstruování, 2007. p. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-214-3406- 6.

    PALOUŠEK, D.; KOUTNÝ, D.; PRAŽÁK, F.; VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M.; BRANDEJS, J.; HARTL, M. Innovative Approaches to Mechanical Engineering Education at Brno University of Technology. In Proceedings of the International Conferecne on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 2007. NJ USA: Science Press USA, 2007. p. 2194-2199. ISBN: 1-933100-21- 4.

  • 2006

    VAVERKA, M.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Influence of Dents on Friction Surfaces on Thin Lubrication Films. In 15th International Colloquium Tribology - Automotive and Industrial Lubrication. Esslingen, Ostfildern: Technische Akademie Esslingen, Ostfildern, 2006. p. 1-5. ISBN: 3-924813-62- 0.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M. STRAIN- STRESS ANALYSIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL HIP JOINT OF ADULT HUMAN USING FEM. In Human Biomechanics 2006. Brno: Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, 2006. p. 1-7. ISBN: 80-214-3232- 2.

    POLIŠČUK, R.; VAVERKA, M.; VRBKA, M.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Pressure Distribution Within EHD Point Contacts Based on Measured Film Thickness. In Proceedings of 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2006. Chicago, Illinois USA: Pinehurst Technologies, Inc., 2006. p. DVD ( p.)ISBN: 0-7918-3790- 4.

    NÁVRAT, T.; VRBKA, M.; POKORNÝ, P.; KAŠPÁREK, J. Deformačně- napěťová analýza stavebního věžového jeřábu. In 14. ANSYS Users Meeting 2006. Brno: SVS FEM, 2006. p. 1-8. ISBN: 80-239-7764- 4.

    VAVERKA, M.; NÁVRAT, T.; VRBKA, M.; FLORIAN, Z.; FUIS, V. Stress And Strain Analysis of The Hip Joint Using FEM. Technology and Health Care, Int. Journal of Health Care Engineering, 2006, vol. 14, no. 4- 5, p. 271-279. ISSN: 0928- 7329.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M.; POLIŠČUK, R.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Vliv mazivostních přísad na tloušťku mazacího filmu v EHD kontaktu. In Mazání v moderním průmyslovém podniku. 1. Praha: Česká strojnická společnost, 2006. p. 90-95. ISBN: 80-02-01808- 7.

    VAVERKA, M.; VRBKA, M. Finite Element Analysis of Normal And Pathological Hip Joint. In Human Biomechanics 2006. 2006. Hrotovice: FSI VUT Brno, 2006. p. 1-8. ISBN: 80-214-3232- 2.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M.; POLIŠČUK, R.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M.; URBANEC, L. Evaluation of pressure from film thickness within EHL contact with dented surfaces. In AITC- AIT 2006 5th International Conference of Tribology. Parma, Itálie: 2006. p. 1-11. ISBN: 88-902333-0- 3.

  • 2005

    VRBKA, M., VAVERKA, M. Deformačně napěťová analýza fyziologicky a patologicky vyvinutých kyčelních kloubů dětí a dospělých. In FSI Junior konference 2004. Brno: Fakulta strojního inženýrství, VUT v Brně, 2005. p. 1 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2934- 8.

  • 2004

    VRBKA, M.; FLORIAN, Z. Deformačně- napěťová analýza zdravého a dysplastického kyčelního kloubu. In Mechanical Engineering 2004. Bratislava: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, STU in Bratislava, 2004. p. S4- 107 ( p.)ISBN: 80-227-2105- 0.

    VRBKA, M. Deformačně napěťová analýza fyziologicky a patologicky vyvinutého kyčelního spojení. Deformačně napěťová analýza fyziologicky a patologicky vyvinutého kyčelního spojení. Vědecké spisy Vysokého učení technického v Brně , Edice PhD Thesis. PhD Thesis, sv. 255. Brno: VUT Brno, 2004. p. 1-31. ISBN: 80-214-2694- 2. ISSN: 1213- 4198.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M.; FLORIAN, Z. Napěťově- deformační analýza fyziologického a patologického kyčelního kloubu. In FSI Junior konference 2003. Brno: FSI VUT v Brně, 2004. p. 1-8. ISBN: 80-214-2619- 5.

    VAVERKA, M., VRBKA, M. Výpočtové modelování deformačně- napěťových stavů ve zdravých a patologických kyčelních kloubech. In 12. ANSYS Users’ Meeting. Brno: SVSFEM, 2004. p. 1 ( p.)

  • 2003

    VAVERKA, M., VRBKA, M., NÁVRAT, T., FLORIAN, Z. Computational Modelling of the Hip in Reference to Clinical Requirements. In Applied Mechanics. Gliwice: Politechnika Slaska, Katedra mechaniky stosovanej, 2003. p. 201 ( p.)ISBN: 83-917224-3- 0.

    VRBKA, M., VAVERKA, M., FLORIAN, Z., ROZKYDAL, Z. Napěťově- deformační analýza fyziologického a patologického kyčelního kloubu. In Výpočtová mechanika 2003. Plzeň: Fakulta aplikovaných věd, Západočeská universita v Plzni, 2003. p. 517 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-999- 0.

    VRBKA, M., VAVERKA, M., FLORIAN, Z. Sensitivity Analysis of Stress and Strain Fields in Relation to Material Characteristic of Hip Joint. In Mechatronics, Robotics and Biomechanics 2003. Brno: Institute of Mechanics of Solids, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, 2003. p. 183 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2312- 9.

    VAVERKA, M., VRBKA, M., FLORIAN, Z., ONDRUŠ, Š. Analýza deformačně-napěťových poměrů v kyčelním kloubu pomocí MKP. In Výpočtová mechanika 2003 II. Nečtiny: Fakulta aplikovaných věd ZČU v Plzni, 2003. p. 475 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-999- 0.

  • 2002

    VAVERKA, M.; VRBKA, M. Deformačně napěťová analýza zdravého a dysplastického kyčelního kloubu. In FSI Junior konference 2002. Brno: FSI VUT v Brně, 2002. p. 252 ( p.)ISBN: 80-214-2290- 4.

    VRBKA, M., VAVERKA, M. Computational Model of Hip Osteotomies. In Biomechanics of Man 2002. Praha: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, 2002. p. 294 ( p.)ISBN: 80-86317-23- 4.

    VAVERKA, M., VRBKA, M. Řešení kontaktních úloh pomocí MKP a jejich aplikace v biomechanice. In Aplikovaná mechanika 2002. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2002. p. 387 ( p.)ISBN: 80-248-0079- 9.

    VAVERKA, M., VRBKA, M. Strain and Stress Analysis of Children` s Hip by means of FEM. In Biomechanics of Man 2002. Praha: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, 2002. p. 234 ( p.)ISBN: 80-86317-23- 4.

    IVÁN, L.; VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M. Vytvoření prostorového modelu geometrie kyčelního spojení. Acta Mechanica Slovaca, 2002, vol. 2002, no. 1, p. 126-126. ISSN: 1335- 2393.

    VRBKA, M., VAVERKA, M. Mechanická analýza fyziologicky a patologicky vyvinutého kyčelního kloubu metodou konečných prvků. In Skelet 2002. Praha: Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Universita Karlova a Česká společnost pro biomechaniku pro CBMI, 2002. p. 82 ( p.)ISBN: 80-86317-19- 6.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M. Deformačně - napjatostní analýza kyčelního kloubu. In FSI Junior konference 2001. Brno: FSI VUT v Brně, 2002. p. 1-4. ISBN: 80-214-2071- 5.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M. Výpočtové modelování deformačně- napjatostních poměrů ve fyziologicky a patologicky vyvinutých kyčelních kloubech. In Výpočtová mechanika 2002 (Computational Mechanics 2002). Plzeň (Nečtiny): Fakulta aplikovaných věd, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2002. p. 503-510. ISBN: 80-7082-903- 6.

    VRBKA, M.; VAVERKA, M. Počítačová podpora chirurgickým zákrokům na patologicky vyvinutých kyčelních kloubech. Acta Mechanica Slovaca, 2002, vol. 2002, no. 1, p. 127-127. ISSN: 1335- 2393.

    VAVERKA, M., VRBKA, M. Vyšetřování deformace a napjatosti v dětském kyčelním spojení na konečnoprvkovém 3D modelu. In Výpočtová mechanika 2002 II. Plzeň: Západočeská Univerzita v Plzni, 2002. p. 483 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7082-903- 6.

  • 2001

    VAVERKA, M., VRBKA, M. 3D- modelling of the hip joint and its strain and stress analysis using FEM. In Mechatronics Robotics and Biomechanics. Brno: CERM akademické nakladatelství, 2001. p. 293 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7204-207- 6.

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