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prof. Ing.
Dr., MBA
FBM, ÚM – Professor
+420 54114 2704qpkorab@vutbr.cz
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Tittle year University
Ing. 1978 Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrotechnics, Dept. of Radio
MBA 1996 Nottingham Trent University, UK
Ph.D. 1998 Brno University of Technology, Business and Management Faculty.
Ass. Prof. 2011 Brno University of Technology, Business and Management Faculty.
prof. 2009 Brno University of Technology, Business and Managenet Faculty
a/ The Railway Research Institute Brno, six years, from this two years as the Department of development head, four years as a research worker of the State program P12 - The Technical Diagnostics of Railway Driving Vehicles - in the area of SW & HW.
b/ INORGA - The Institute for Automation of Management in Industry Brno, seven years. From this four years as the head of department and vice-director, three years as research worker of the State Programme for economical research SPEV - in the area of SW, management and organisation.
c/ Technical University of Brno, Business and Management Faculty, Department of Economics and Management. Until the present time as a senior lecturer, vice-dean, ass. prof. and professor.
Specialisation: small business, entrepreneurship, management theory, international management, research methodology
Within the professional experience I was an author or joint-author of 15 scientific research projects and reports, 20 contributions in national and international seminars and conferences and 5 articles in magazines.
Within the professional experience I solved 16 state projects and orders for economical practice, I was responsible for solution in half of the cases. All the works was well disputed or received by the customer.
Year institution function
1993-1996 NMCP Netherlands Management Consultancy Program member
1995- 2005 ECSB European Council of Small Business (since1996 vice-president for the Czech Republic)
1995-1999 British know-how Fund, Steering Committee of the Program
"Training of trainers" for Czech Republic member
1998-2005 European Association for Comparative Studies member