prof. Ing.

Jiří Jan


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prof. Ing. Jiří Jan, CSc.

Curriculum vitae


 Curriculum vitae

   Prof. Jiří Jan (1941), MSEE (1963) and PhD (1969) in radioelectronics; starting as Assistant Professor and later senior researcher,  he became Associate Professor (1978) at Brno University of Technology (BUT, Czech Republic) and was appointed Full Professor in 1991. He served as the Vice-Dean for science at the Faculty of electrical engineering and informatics BUT 1989 – 1994.  He was the Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering 1990 - 2010, where he formulated and constituted the novel concepts of MSc study specialisation - the Biomedical and Ecological Engineering and of the doctoral study in Biomedical electronics and Biocybernetics. Presently he is a professor of signal and image processing at the BME Department.

    During his professional life, he served here and abroad (The Netherlands, Denmark, United Kingdom, Belgium, Estonia etc.) as a university teacher and/or researcher. While initially oriented at digital analysis of antennas and electromagnetic wave propagation, he turned his interest to digital signal processing in 1980ies, and later also to image processing and analysis, particularly in biomedical applications. In 1978 he founded the international scientific conference BIOSIGNAL and till 2012 was then chairing the international programme committees of the following series of 20 biennial international conferences BIOSIGNAL under the patronage of IEEE and EURASIP associations. He has led research teams of continuous grant projects, namely in the period 2005 – 2011 he was heading the medical image analysis team of the national research centre DAR (Data-Algorithms-Decision making, project coordinator: Institute of information theory and automation, Ac. Sci. Cz. Rep., Prague). His team has a long-term research cooperation with the firm Philips HealthCare Nederland. Prof. Jan is presently the academic advisor of several doctoral students, with a record of over a dozen successfully finalised PhDs; he also serves as a member of Domain boards for PhD study at several universities. His publishing record contains over 260 research papers in mostly international journals or conference proceedings and, besides books in Czech, he published two monographs in English: J.Jan: Medical Image Processing, Reconstruction and Restoration; Concepts and Methods (CRC Taylor & Francis, New York: 2006, 760 pp.) and J.Jan: Digital Signal Filtering, Analysis and Restoration (IEE Press, London: 2000, 407 pp.). Prof. Jan is a frequent reviewer of journal and conference papers (IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, Hindawi etc.), international (namely EC) and national projects and dissertations.   

     Prof. Jan is a senior member of IEEE and a member of EURASIP. He was or is serving as Associate Editor for several international journals  - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (1996-2001), since 2000 for Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (EURASIP – Springer) and other journals, further served as a programme committee member or session organiser of many international conferences, a.o. IEEE – EMBC, IEEE – ICASSP and ISBI, Eurasip - EUSIPCO, IFMBE, WOC and others. His present research interests are in the area of medical image data processing and analysis, concerning namely multimodal image fusion, diagnostic feature analysis and image reconstruction from non-standard tomographic data.

  Previous grant projects - leadership:

 ·         EC – TEMPUS JEP 1191-92   (1992-93)

 ·         EC – COPERNICUS CP 940223 SISPAS  (1995-99)

 ·         EC – ELE-ELEB12 EVICAB (2006-07)

 ·         bilateral KONTAKT CZE 01/031 (2001-04)

 ·         bilateral D-CZ 23/05-06 (2005-06)

 ·         bilateral D20-CZ8/07-08 (2007-08)

 ·         bilateral D10 - CZ16/09-10 (2009-10)

 ·         GAČR 102-99-0374, 109-99-1228 (1999-2001),

 ·         GAČR 102-02-0890 (2002-2004)          

 ·         research centre 1M0572 DAR – Data, Algorithms, Decision making (Brno group, 2005 - 2011)

 ·         bilateral 7AMB12DE002

 ·         GAČR P304/11/1318 - BUT group

 ·         GAČR P103/12/0552 - BUT group

 ·         research collaboration with Philips Healthcare Nederland (since 2008 - continues)


 editorial activities:

 ·         IEEE - Trans. on Biomedical Engineering (1996-2001),  Associate Editor,

 ·         Research Letters in Signal Processing (Hindawi) (2007 – 2010),  Editorial Board member,

 ·         Guest editorship (invited): Jan,J., Sonka,M., Provaznik,I.(Guest Eds.): Special Issue,    EURASIP J. Appl.  Signal Proc., Vol. 2003, no. 5

 ·         Int. J. on Biomedical Eng. (IPROBE Group) (2013 - 2014)

 ·         Editorship: Analysis of Biomedical Signals and Images (VUTIUM, ISSN 1211-412) vol. 1 – 20 (BIOSIGNAL proc. 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012),

 ·         EURASIP  Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2000 – continues),  Associate Editor,

 ·         Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Hindawi) (2008 – continues), Edit. Board  member


 other academic activities: 

 ·         EURASIP AdCom officer - Central European Liaison (1994 – 2008),

 ·         National or Local Liaison of EURASIP (2009 – present),

 ·         IEEE-EMBS national chapter – Board member (2006 – present)

 ·         Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering - National Board member, 1990-2003, 

 ·         CPRS chapter of IAPR – national board member (2006 – present)

 ·         Engineering Academy of the CzechRepublic (1994 – present)) - founding member,

 ·         “Czech Head” scientist club (2005 – present) - elected member,

 ·         Chair, internat. programme committee,  biennial. int. conf. EURASIP/IEEE - BIOSIGNAL’xx

 (under auspices of IEEE-EMBS and EURASIP) (1978 – 2012)

 ·         member of National Council of the program “National research centres”  (2000 – 2003)

 ·         grant agency of the Cz.Rep. (GAČR) – domain committee (2000 - 2003)

 ·         evaluation of European projects for EC Brussels (2005 – 2016)

 ·     member of Scientific Councils:

 -          Brno University of Technology (1991 – 1997)      

 -          BUT - Faculty of El. Eng.&Comm. (1990 – 2010)

 -          BUT -  Faculty of Information Technology (2002 – 2007)

 -          Masaryk Univ.- Faculty of Medicine (1999 – 2010)

 -          Masaryk Univ. – Faculty of Informatics (2011 - 2015)

 -          Masaryk Univ. – CEITEC, Core Facility MAFIL (2015 – present)

 -          Czech Univ. of Technology Prague – Faculty of Biomedical Eng. (2005 – present)

 -          Academy of Sciences CZ – Inst. of scientific instruments (1992 – 2006)

 ·     international programme committees of conferences:

 -          IEEE – EMBC 1987, 1988 (USA), 1989 (USA), 1992 (France), 2007 (France), 2008  (Canada)

 -          IEEE/IFMBE/IMEKO EMBEC3 2005 (CZ)

 -          IEEE  SIPMCS 2007 (Slovenia)

 -          IEEE/ACM  CSTST’08 – CIMI 2008 (France)

 -          IEEE-EMBS/IFMBE  ITAB 2009 (Cyprus)

 -          IEEE IWSSIP & EC/SIPMCS 2007 (Slovenia), 2010 (Austria)

 -          IEEE  ICASSP 2011 (CZ)

 -          IEEE/INSTICC VISAPP–BIOSIGNALS–BIODEVICES 2014 (Portugal), 2015 (Portugal)

 -          IEEE-EMBS/SPS  ISBI 2016 (CZ)

 -          Eurasip ECSAP – 97   (1997)

 -          Eurasip EUSIPCO 2006 (Italy), 2007 (Poland)

 -          Eurasip EC-VIP-MC 2003 (Croatia), 2005 (Slovakia)

 -          SOE Congress 15 (2005 Germany   ) – Soc. Ophthalm. Europ.

 -          ICETE - SIGMAP 2006 (Portugal), 2007 (Portugal), 2008 (Portugal), 2009 (Italy), 2010 (Greece)

 -          ISSNIP BRC 2010 (Brazil)

 -          IMEKO 1995 (Slovakia), DSP’97 1997 (Slovakia)

 -          NNESMED 2001 (Greece), 2003 (UK),

 -          SYMBIOSIS 1995 (Poland), 2001 (Poland), 2003 (Russia)

 -          DSP–MCOM 2001, 2005 (Slovakia), BMEEDU 2001 (CZ),

 -          BIOSTEC  2014 (France), 2016 (Italy)

 -          ICSIP 2014 (China), 2015 (China)



selected recent publications

- JAN, J.; CHMELÍK, J.; JAKUBÍČEK, R.; WALEK, P.; KODYM, O.; ŠALPLACHTA, J. Analysis of bone lesions in 3D CT human spine data Initial phase of bone mass density project Quality evaluation of reconstructed CT image data (research project Philips report). Brno: UBMI FEKT, VUT v Brně, 2017. pp. 1-103.

- CHMELÍK, J.; JAKUBÍČEK, R.; JAN, J. Tumorous Spinal Lesions: Computer Aided Diagnosis and Evaluation Based on CT Data – A Review. CURRENT MEDICAL IMAGING REVIEWS, 2017, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 1-9. ISSN: 1573-4056.

- JAKUBÍČEK, R.; CHMELÍK, J.; JAN, J. Vertebrae segmentation in 3D CT data: a review of methods and evaluation approaches. CURRENT MEDICAL IMAGING REVIEWS, 2017, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 1-14. ISSN: 1573-4056.

- LABOUNEK, R.; MIKL, M.; JAN, J.; VALLA, R.; BAŠTINEC, J.; LENGLET, C. Effects of axonal spatial distribution and diameter on diffusion MR simulations. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Geneva: OHBM, 2016. p. 1-5.

- ČERVINKOVÁ, I.; WALEK, P.; JÍRA, I.; SKOTÁKOVÁ, J.; ŠENKYŘÍK, J.; OUŘEDNÍČEK, P.; JAN, J. Possibilities of Reducing Radiation Dose in Computed Tomography Examinations in Various Age Groups Using an Iterative Model-Based Reconstruction Technique. Pediatrics & Therapeutics, 2016, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 1-7. ISSN: 2161-0665.

- ŽÍDEK, J.; VOJTOVÁ, L.; ABDEL-MOHSEN, A.; CHMELÍK, J.; ZIKMUND, T.; BRTNÍKOVÁ, J.; JAKUBÍČEK, R.; ZUBAL, L.; JAN, J.; KAISER, J. Accurate micro-computed tomography imaging of pore spaces in collagen-based scaffold. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 2016, vol. 27, no. 6, p. 1-18. ISSN: 0957-4530.

- LABOUNEK, R.; JANEČEK, D.; MAREČEK, R.; LAMOŠ, M.; SLAVÍČEK, T.; MIKL, M.; BAŠTINEC, J.; BEDNAŘÍK, P.; BRIDWELL, D.; BRÁZDIL, M.; JAN, J. Generalized EEG-fMRI Spectral and Spatiospectral Heuristic Models. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro. Proceedings - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. Prague: IEEE, 2016. p. 767-770. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2350-2. ISSN: 1945-7928.

 -          JAN, J., NOVOSADOVÁ, M., DEMEL, J., OUŘEDNÍČEK, P., CHMELÍK, J., JAKUBÍČEK, R.: Combined Bone Lesion Analysis in 3D CT data of vertebrae. Proc. IEEE-EMBC 2015, IEEE 2015, Milano (Italy), pp. 6374-6377

 -          ODSTRČILÍK, J., KOLÁŘ, R., TORNOW, R., JAN, J., BUDAI, A. et al.: Thickness related textural properties of retinal nerve fiber layer in color fundus images. Coputerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (Springer), vol.38, 2014, no.6, pp. 508-516

 -          ODSTRČILÍK, J., KOLÁŘ, R., JAN, J., TORNOW, R., BUDAI, A.: Blood Vessel Segmentation in Video Sequences From the Human Retina. Proc. IEEE – IST 2014, IEEE 2014, Santorini (Greece), pp. 129-133

 -          Peter, R.,  Malinsky, M.,  Ourednicek, P.,  Jan, J.; 3D CT Spine Data Segmentation and Analysis of Vertebrae Bone Lesions. Proc. IEEE-EMBC 2013,  IEEE 2013 , Osaka (Japan),  pp. 2376-2379

 -          PETER,R.,  MALÍNSKÝ,M., JAN,J., OUŘEDNÍČEK,P.; Novel Registration-Based Framework for CT Angiography in Lower Legs. J. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (Springer), 2013, no.10, pp. 1079-1089

 -          MALÍNSKÝ, M.; PETER, R.; HODNELAND, E.; LUNDERVOLD, A.; LUNDERVOLD, A.; JAN, J. Registration of FA and T1-weighted MRI Data of Healthy Human Brain based on Template Matching and Normalized Cross-correlation. JOURNAL OF DIGITAL IMAGING. 2012. 25(6). pp. 1 - 12

 -          JAN, J.; ODSTRČILÍK, J.; GAZÁREK, J.; KOLÁŘ, R. Retinal Image Analysis Aimed at Blood Vessel Tree Segmentation and Early Detection of Neural-Layer Deterioration. J. COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS. 2012. 2012(6). pp. 431 – 441 ISSN: 0895-6111  

 -          FILIPÍK, A., JAN, J., PETERLÍK, I.: Time of Flight Based Calibration of an Ultrasonic Computed Tomography System.                  Radioengineering, 2012, no.1, pp. 533-544. ISSN: 1210-2512

 -          HAVLÍČEK, M.; FRISTON, K.; JAN, J.; BRÁZDIL, M.; CALHOUN, V. Dynamic modeling of neuronal responses in fMRI using cubature Kalman filtering. J. NeuroImage , 2011, roč. 56, č. 4, s. 2109-2128. ISSN: 1053- 8119

 -          JIŘÍK, R.; PETERLÍK, I.; RUITER, N.; FOUSEK, J.; DAPP, R.; ZAPF, M.; JAN, J. : Sound-Speed Image Reconstruction in Sparse- Aperture 3D Ultrasound Transmission Tomography.  IEEE Trans. UFFC , 2012, no. 2, pp. 254-264 ISSN: 0885- 3010

 -          HAVLÍČEK, M.; JAN, J.; BRÁZDIL, M.; CALHOUN, V. Dynamic Granger causality based on Kalman filter for evaluation of functional network connectivity in fMRI data. J. NeuroImage, 2010, roč. 53, č. 1, s. 65-77. ISSN: 1053- 8119

 -          JAN, J., KOLÁŘ,R., KUBEČKA,L., ODSTRČILÍK,J., GAZÁREK,J.: Fusion Based Analysis of Aphthalmological Image Data. Kybernetika vol. 47, 2011, no.3, pp. 455-481  ISSN: 0023-5954

 -          HAVLÍČEK,M., JAN, J., BRÁZDIL,M., CALHOUN,V.: Estimation of Neuronal Signal from Hemodynamic Responses. Proc. IEEE – EMBC 2011, IEEE 2011, Boston (USA), pp. 8122-8125

 -          GAZÁREK,J., JAN, J., KOLÁŘ,R., ODSTRČILÍK,J. : Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Detection in Fundus Camera Images Compared to Results from Optical Coherence Tomography. Proc. IEEE – ICIIP 2011, Delhi (India), pp. 409-413

 -          KUBEČKA, L., JAN, J., KOLÁŘ, R.: Retrospective Illumination Correction of Retinal Images. Int. Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2010, no. 5, pp. 201-223,  ISSN: 1687-4188

 -          ODSTRČILÍK, J., KOLÁŘ, R., HARABIŠ, V., GAZÁREK,J., JAN, J. :  Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Analysis via Markov Random Fields Texture Modelling. Proc. EURASIP – EUSIPCO 2010, Eurasip 2010, Aalborg (Denmark), pp. 1650-1654

 -          JAN, J., MALÍNSKÝ, M., PETER,R., OUŘEDNÍČEK, P.: Improved Disparity Based Image Processing in 3D CT Subtractive Angiography. Proc. IEEE – EMBC 2010, IEEE 2010, Buenos Aires (Argentine), pp. 3610-3613

 -          KOLÁŘ, R., JAN, J. LAEMMER, R., MARDIN,C.: Segmentation of Zones with Increased Autofluorescence in the Junctional Zone of Parapapillary Atrophy. J. Physiological Measurement, 2009, no. 30, pp. 505-516

 -          JAN, J., JANOVÁ, D.: Disparity Analysis for Image Fusion. Proc. ICEE-ICEER 2009, Univ. of Seoul 2009, Seoul (Korea), pp. 401-404 ISBN: 978-89-963027-1-1

 -          monograph (book): JAN, J.: Medical Image Processing, Reconstruction and Restoration - Concepts and Methods. CRC Inc. (USA) 2006, ISBN 0-8247-5849-8, 760 pp.

 -          monograph (book): JAN, J.: Digital Signal Filtering, Analysis and Restoration. IEE Publ. (UK) 2000, ISBN0 85296 760 8, 407 pp.