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MATTERN, M.; PUDELL, J.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; ZLÁMAL, J.; KALOUSEK, R.; UHLÍŘ, V.; RÖSSLE, M.; BARGHEER, M. Accelerating the Laser-Induced Phase Transition in Nanostructured FeRh via Plasmonic Absorption. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 2024, vol. 34, no. 32, ISSN: 1616-301X.Detail | WWW
Bort-Soldevila, N.; Cunill-Subiranas, J.; Barrera, A.; Del-Valle, N.; Silhanek, AV.; Uhlir, V.; Bending, S.; Palau, A .; Navau, C. Enhanced magnetic field concentration using windmill-like ferromagnets. APL Materials, 2024, vol. 12, no. 2, ISSN: 2166-532X.Detail | WWW
Castellano, A.; Alhada-Lahbabi, K.; Arregi, JA.; Uhlir, V.; Perrin, B.; Gourdon, C.; Fournier, D.; Verstraete, MJ.; Thevenard, L. Magnetic phase dependency of the thermal conductivity of FeRh from thermoreflectance experiments and numerical simulations. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 2024, vol. 8, no. 8, ISSN: 2475-9953.Detail | WWW
MATTERN, M.; JARECKI, J.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; UHLÍŘ, V.; RÖSSLE, M.; BARGHEER, M. Speed limits of the laser-induced phase transition in FeRh. APL Materials, 2024, vol. 12, no. 5, ISSN: 2166-532X.Detail | WWW
OURDANI, D.; CASTELLANO, A.; VYTHELINGUM, A.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; UHLÍŘ, V.; PERRIN, B.; BELMEGUENAI, M.; ROUSSIGNÉ, Y.; GOURDON, C.; VERSTRAETE, M.; THEVENARD, L. Experimental determination of the temperature- and phase-dependent elastic constants of FeRh. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2024, vol. 110, no. 1, ISSN: 2469-9969.Detail | WWW
Lejeune, N.; Fourneau, E.; Barrera, A.; Morris, O.; Leonard, O.; Arregi, JA.; Navau, C.; Uhlir, V.; Bending, S.; Palau, A.; Silhanek, AV. Dimensional crossover of microscopic magnetic metasurfaces for magnetic field amplification. APL Materials, 2024, vol. 12, no. 7, ISSN: 2166-532X.Detail | WWW
ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; RINGE, F.; HAJDUČEK, J.; GOMONAY, O.; MOLNÁR, T.; JASKOWIEC, J.; UHLÍŘ, V. Magnetic-field-controlled growth of magnetoelastic phase domains in FeRh. Journal of Physics: Materials, 2023, vol. 6, no. 3, p. 1-15. ISSN: 2515-7639.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
Fourneau, E.; Arregi, J.A.; Barrera, A.; Nguyen, ND.; Bending, S.; Sanchez, A.; Uhlir, V.; Palau, A.; Silhanek, A.V. Microscale Metasurfaces for On-Chip Magnetic Flux Concentration. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, vol. 8, no. 16, p. 1-9. ISSN: 2365-709X.Detail | WWW
MOTYČKOVÁ, L.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; STAŇO, M.; PRŮŠA, S.; ČÁSTKOVÁ, K.; UHLÍŘ, V. Preserving Metamagnetism in Self-Assembled FeRh Nanomagnets. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2023, vol. 15, no. 6, p. 8653-8665. ISSN: 1944-8252.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
PRADHAN, G.; CELEGATO, F.; MADRI, A.; COISSON, M.; BARRERA, G.; MIKULIČKOVÁ, L.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; ČELKO, L.; UHLÍŘ, V.; RIZZI, P.; TIBERTO, P. Control of magnetic vortex states in FeGa microdisks: Experiments and micromagnetics. Journal of Science-Advanced Materials and Devices, 2023, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 1-8. ISSN: 2468-2179.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
PRESSACCO, F.; SANGALLI, D.; UHLÍŘ, V.; KUTNYAKHOV, D.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; AGUSTSSON, S.; BRENNER, G.; REDLIN, H.; HEBER, M.; VASILYEV, D.; DEMSAR, J.; SCHÖNHENSE, G.; GATTI, M.; MARINI, A.; WURTH, W.; SIROTTI, F. Subpicosecond metamagnetic phase transition in FeRh driven by non-equilibrium electron dynamics (vol 12, 5088, 2021). BERLIN: NATURE PORTFOLIO, 2023.Detail
TAKHSHA GHAHFAROKHI, M.; FURLANI, F.; PANSERI, S.; CASOLI, F.; UHLÍŘ, V.; ALBERTINI, F. Magnetic Shape-Memory Heuslers Turn to Bio: Cytocompatibility of Ni-Mn-Ga Films and Biomedical Perspective. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2023, vol. 6, no. 11, p. 5009-5017. ISSN: 2576-6422.Detail | WWW
PRADHAN, G.; CELEGATO, F.; BARRERA, G.; OLIVETTI, E.S.; COISSON, M.; HAJDUČEK, J.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; ČELKO, L.; UHLÍŘ, V.; RIZZI, P.; TIBERTO, P. Magnetic properties of FeGa/Kapton for flexible electronics. Scientific Reports, 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 17503 ( p.)ISSN: 2045-2322.Detail | WWW
HORKÝ, M.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; PATEL, S.; STAŇO, M.; MEDAPALLI, R.; CAHA, O.; VOJÁČEK, L.; HORÁK, M.; UHLÍŘ, V.; FULLERTON, E. Controlling the Metamagnetic Phase Transition in FeRh/MnRh Superlattices and Thin-Film Fe50-xMnxRh50 Alloys. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2022, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 3568-3579. ISSN: 1944-8252.Detail | WWW
PRESSACCO, F.; SANGALLI, D.; UHLÍŘ, V.; KUTNYAKHOV, D.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; AGUSTSSON, S.; BRENNER, G.; REDLIN, H.; HEBER, M.; VASILYEV, D.; DEMSAR, J.; SCHÖNHENSE, G.; GATTI, M.; MARINI, A.; WURTH, W.; SIROTTI, F. Subpicosecond metamagnetic phase transition in FeRh driven by non-equilibrium electron dynamics. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2021, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 5088-1 (5088-8 p.)ISSN: 2041-1723.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
GHAHFAROKHI, M.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; CASOLI, F.; HORKÝ, M.; CABASSI, R.; UHLÍŘ, V.; ALBERTINI, F. Microfabricated ferromagnetic-shape-memory Heuslers: The geometry and size effects. Applied Materials Today, 2021, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 101058-1 (101058-11 p.)ISSN: 2352-9407.Detail | WWW
UHLÍŘ, V.; PRESSACCO, F.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; PROCHÁZKA, P.; PRŮŠA, S.; POTOČEK, M.; ŠIKOLA, T.; ČECHAL, J.; BENDOUNAN, A.; SIROTTI, F. Single-layer graphene on epitaxial FeRh thin films. Applied Surface Science, 2020, vol. 514, no. 1, p. 145923-1 (145923-7 p.)ISSN: 0169-4332.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; CAHA, O.; UHLÍŘ, V. Evolution of strain across the magnetostructural phase transition in epitaxial FeRh films on different substrates. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2020, vol. 101, no. 17, p. 174413-1 (174413-14 p.)ISSN: 2469-9950.Detail | WWW
ZBONČÁK, M.; ONDREÁŠ, F.; UHLÍŘ, V.; LEPCIO, P.; MICHALIČKA, J.; JANČÁŘ, J. Translation of segment scale stiffening into macro scale reinforcement in polymer nanocomposites. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2020, vol. 60, no. 3, p. 587-596. ISSN: 0032-3888.Detail | WWW
Fallarino, L.; Stienen, S.; Gallardo, RA.; Arregi, JA.; Uhlir, V.; Lenz, K.; Hubner, R.; Oelschlagel, A.; Hellwig, O.; Lindner, J. Higher-order ferromagnetic resonances in out-of-plane saturated Co/Au magnetic multilayers. Physical Review B, 2020, vol. 102, no. 9, p. 094434-1 (094434-14 p.)ISSN: 1095-3795.Detail | WWW
SCHÁNILEC, V.; CANALS, B.; UHLÍŘ, V.; FLAJŠMAN, L.; SADÍLEK, J.; ŠIKOLA, T.; ROUGEMAILLE, N. Bypassing Dynamical Freezing in Artificial Kagome Ice. Physical Review Letters, 2020, vol. 125, no. 5, p. 057203-1 (057201-5 p.)ISSN: 1079-7114.Detail | WWW
VON REPPERT, A.; WILLIG, L.; PUDELL, J.; ZEUSCHNER, S.; SELLGE, G.; GANSS, F.; HELLWIG, O.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; UHLÍŘ, V.; CRUT, A.; BARGHEER, M. Spin stress contribution to the lattice dynamics of FePt. Science Advances, 2020, vol. 6, no. 28, p. 1-7. ISSN: 2375-2548.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
Wingert, J.; Singer, A.; Patel, SKK.; Kukreja, R.; Verstraete, MJ.; Romero, AH.; Uhlir, V.; Festersen, S.; Zhu, D.; Glownia, JM.; Lemke, HT.; Nelson, S.; Kozina, M.; Rossnagel, K.; Murphy, BM.; Magnussen, OM. ; Fullerton, EE.; Shpyrko, OG. Direct time-domain determination of electron-phonon coupling strengths in chromium. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2020, vol. 102, no. 4, p. 041101-041101. ISSN: 2469-9969.Detail | WWW
Awari, N .; Semisalova, A.; Deinert, JC.; Lenz, K.; Lindner, J.; Fullerton, E.; Uhlir, V.; Li, J.; Clemens, B.; Carley, R.; Scherz, A.; Kovalev, S.; Gensch, M. Monitoring laser-induced magnetization in FeRh by transient terahertz emission spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2020, vol. 117, no. 12, p. 122407-1 (122407-6 p.)ISSN: 1077-3118.Detail | WWW
Kan, J.; Lubarda, M.; Chan, KT.; Uhlíř, V.; Scholl, A.; Lomakin, V.; Fullerton, E. Periodic chiral magnetic domains in single-crystal nickel nanowires. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 2018, vol. 2, no. 6, p. 064406-1 (064406-8 p.)ISSN: 2475-9953.Detail
PRESSACCO, F.; UHLÍŘ, V.; GATTI, M.; NICOLAOU, A.; BENDOUNAN, A.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; PATEL, S.; FULLERTON, E.; KRIZMANCIC, D.; SIROTTI, F. Laser induced phase transition in epitaxial FeRh layers studied by pump-probe valence band photoemission. Structural Dynamics, 2018, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 034501-1 (034501-11 p.)ISSN: 2329-7778.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; HORKÝ, M.; FABIANOVÁ, K.; TOLLEY, R.; FULLERTON, E.; UHLÍŘ, V. Magnetization reversal and confinement effects across the metamagnetic phase transition in mesoscale FeRh structures. Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 2018, vol. 51, no. 10, p. 1-12. ISSN: 1361-6463.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
Keavney, D.; Choi, Y.; Holt, M.; Uhlíř, V.; Arena, D.; Fullerton, E.; Ryan, P.; Kim, J. Phase Coexistence and Kinetic Arrest in the Magnetostructural Transition of the Ordered Alloy FeRh. Scientific Reports, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1778, p. 1-7. ISSN: 2045-2322.Detail
VAŇATKA, M.; URBÁNEK, M.; JÍRA, R.; FLAJŠMAN, L.; DHANKHAR, M.; IM, M.; MICHALIČKA, J.; UHLÍŘ, V.; ŠIKOLA, T. Magnetic vortex nucleation modes in static magnetic fields. AIP Advances, 2017, vol. 7, no. 10, p. 1-8. ISSN: 2158-3226.Detail | WWW
UHLÍŘ, V.; ARREGI URIBEETXEBARRIA, J.; FULLERTON, E. Colossal magnetic phase transition asymmetry in mesoscale FeRh stripes. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2016, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 1-7. ISSN: 2041-1723.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
SINGER, A.; PATEL, S.; KUKREJA, R.; UHLÍŘ, V.; WINGERT, J.; FESTERSEN, S.; ZHU, D.; GLOWNIA, J.; LEMKE, H.; NELSON, S.; KOZINA, M.; ROSSNAGEL, K.; BAUER, M.; MURPHY, B.; MAGNUSSEN, O.; FULLERTON, E.; SHPYRKO, O. Photoinduced Enhancement of the Charge Density Wave Amplitude. Physical Review Letters, 2016, vol. 117, no. 5, p. 056401-1 (056401-6 p.)ISSN: 1079-7114.Detail
SINGER, A.; PATEL, S.; UHLÍŘ, V.; KUKREJA, R.; ULVESTAD, A.; DUFRESNE, E.; SANDY, A.; FULLERTON, E.; SHPYRKO, O. Phase coexistence and pinning of charge density waves by interfaces in chromium. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2016, vol. 94, no. 17, p. 174110-1 (174110-5 p.)ISSN: 1098-0121.Detail | WWW
PRESSACCO, F.; UHLÍŘ, V.; GATTI, M.; BENDOUNAN, A.; FULLERTON, E.; SIROTTI, F. Stable room-temperature ferromagnetic phase at the FeRh(100) surface. Scientific Reports, 2016, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 1-9. ISSN: 2045-2322.Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
URBÁNEK, M.; UHLÍŘ, V.; LAMBERT, C.; KAN, J.; EIBAGI, N.; VAŇATKA, M.; FLAJŠMAN, L.; KALOUSEK, R.; IM, M.; FISCHER, P.; ŠIKOLA, T.; FULLERTON, E. Dynamics and efficiency of magnetic vortex circulation reversal. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2015, vol. 91, no. 9, p. 094415-1 (094415-11 p.)ISSN: 1098-0121.Detail
SINGER, A.; MARSH, M.; DIETZE, S.; UHLÍŘ, V.; LI, Y.; WALKO, D.; DUFRESNE, E.; SRAJER, G.; COSGRIFF, M.; EVANS, P.; SHPYRKO, O. Condensation of collective charge ordering in chromium. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2015, vol. 91, no. 11, p. 115134-1 (115134-8 p.)ISSN: 1098-0121.Detail
MANGIN, S.; GOTTWALD, M.; LAMBERT, C.; STEIL, D.; UHLÍŘ, V.; PANG, L.; HEHN, M.; ALEBRAND, S.; CINCHETTI, M.; MALINOWSKI, G.; FAINMAN, Y.; AESCHLIMANN, M.; FULLERTON, E. Engineered materials for all-optical helicity-dependent magnetic switching. NATURE MATERIALS, 2014, vol. 13, no. 3, p. 287-293. ISSN: 1476-1122.Detail
Günther, S.; Spezzani, C.; Ciprian, R.; Grazioli, C.; Ressel, B.; Coreno, M.; Poletto, L.; Miotti, P.; Sacchi, M.; Panaccione, G.; Uhlíř, V.; Fullerton, E.; De Ninno, G.; Back, C. Testing spin-flip scattering as a possible mechanism of ultrafast demagnetization in ordered magnetic alloys. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2014, vol. 90, no. 18, p. 180407-1 (180407-5 p.)ISSN: 1098-0121.Detail
UHLÍŘ, V.; URBÁNEK, M.; HLADÍK, L.; SPOUSTA, J.; IM, M.; FISCHER, P.; EIBAGI, N.; KAN, J.; FULLERTON, E.; ŠIKOLA, T. Dynamic switching of the spin circulation in tapered magnetic nanodisks. Nature Nanotechnology (print), 2013, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 341-346. ISSN: 1748- 3387.Detail
ROUGEMAILLE, N.; UHLÍŘ, V.; FRUCHART, O.; PIZZINI, S.; VOGEL, J.; TOUSSAINT, J. Phase diagram of magnetic domain walls in spin valve nano- stripes. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, vol. 100, no. 17, p. 172404- 1 (172404-4 p.)ISSN: 0003- 6951.Detail
UHLÍŘ, V.; VOGEL, J.; ROUGEMAILLE, N.; FRUCHART, O.; ISHAQUE, Z.; CROS, V.; CAMARERO, J.; CEZAR, J.; SIROTTI, F.; PIZZINI, S. Current-induced domain wall motion and magnetization dynamics in CoFeB/Cu/ Co nanostripes. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2011, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 024213- 1 (024213-9 p.)ISSN: 0953- 8984.Detail
UHLÍŘ, V.; PIZZINI, S.; ROUGEMAILLE, N.; CROS, V.; JIMÉNEZ, E.; RANNO, L.; FRUCHART, O.; URBÁNEK, M.; GAUDIN, G.; CAMARERO, J.; TIEG, C.; SIROTTI, F.; WAGNER, E.; VOGEL, J. Direct observation of Oersted-field- induced magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostripes. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2011, vol. 83, no. 2, p. 020406- 1 (020406-4 p.)ISSN: 1098- 0121.Detail
UHLÍŘ, V.; PIZZINI, S.; ROUGEMAILLE, N.; NOVOTNÝ, J.; CROS, V.; JIMÉNEZ, E.; FAINI, G.; HEYNE, L.; SIROTTI, F.; TIEG, C.; BENDOUNAN, A.; MACCHEROZZI, F.; BELKHOU, R.; GROLLIER, J.; ANANE, A.; VOGEL, J. Current-induced motion and pinning of domain walls in spin-valve nanowires studied by XMCD- PEEM. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 2010, vol. 81, no. 22, p. 224418- 1 (224418-10 p.)ISSN: 1098-0121.Detail
URBÁNEK, M.; UHLÍŘ, V.; BÁBOR, P.; KOLÍBALOVÁ, E.; HRNČÍŘ, T.; SPOUSTA, J.; ŠIKOLA, T. Focused ion beam fabrication of spintronic nanostructures: an optimization of the milling process. NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2010, vol. 21, no. 14, p. 145304- 1 (145304-7 p.)ISSN: 0957-4484.Detail
PIZZINI, S.; UHLÍŘ, V.; VOGEL, J.; ROUGEMAILLE, N.; LARIBI, S.; CROS, V.; JIMÉNEZ, E.; CAMARERO, J.; TIEG, C.; BONET, E.; BONFIM, M.; MATTANA, R.; DERANLOT, C.; PETROFF, F.; ULYSSE, C.; FAINI, G.; FERT, A. High Domain Wall Velocity at Zero Magnetic Field Induced by Low Current Densities in Spin Valve Nanostripes. Applied Physics Express, 2009, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 023003- 1 (023003-3 p.)ISSN: 1882-0778.Detail
PLŠEK, R.; UHLÍŘ, V.; URBÁNEK, M.; SPOUSTA, J.; ŠIKOLA, T. Měření magnetických vlastností tenkých vrstev pomocí magnetooptického Kerrova jevu. Jemná mechanika a optika, 2008, vol. 52, no. 6, p. 184-186. ISSN: 0447- 6441.Detail
MANCHON, A.; PIZZINI, S.; VOGEL, J.; UHLÍŘ, V.; LOMBARD, L.; DUCRUET, C.; AUFFRET, S.; RODMACQ, B.; DIENY, B.; HOCHSTRASSER, M.; PANACCIONE, G. X-ray analysis of oxygen-induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Pt/Co/ AlOx trilayers. J. Magnetism Magn. Mat., 2008, vol. 320, no. 13, p. 1889-1993. ISSN: 0304-8853.Detail
MANCHON, A.; PIZZINI, S.; VOGEL, J.; UHLÍŘ, V.; LOMBARD, L.; DUCRUET, C.; AUFFRET, S.; RODMACQ, B.; DIENY, B.; HOCHSTRASSER, M.; PANACCIONE, G. X-ray analysis of the magnetic influence of oxygen in Pt/Co/ AlOx trilayers. Journal of Aplied Physics, 2008, vol. 103, no. 7, p. 07A912- 1 (07A912-3 p.)ISSN: 0021-8979.Detail
MANCHON, A.; DUCRUET, C.; LOMBARD, L.; AUFFRET, S.; RODMACQ, B.; DIENY, B.; PIZZINI, S.; VOGEL, J.; UHLÍŘ, V.; HOCHSTRASSER, M.; PANACCIONE, G. Analysis of oxygen induced anisotropy crossover in Pt/Co/ MOx trilayers. Journal of Aplied Physics, 2008, vol. 104, no. 4, p. 043914- 1 (043914-7 p.)ISSN: 0021-8979.Detail
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