doc. Ing.

Michal Kubík


FME, IMID DCM – Head of sub-department

+420 54114 3216

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doc. Ing. Michal Kubík, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Tuesday, 10:00-12:00

Guaranteed courses

ZEPElectrical Drives and Control
Czech, summer, FME, IMID
ZESExperiment, Measurement and Statistics
Czech, winter, FME, IMID

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

6KMDesign and 3D Print
Lecture, Czech, winter, FME, IMID
6KMDesign and 3D Print
Lecture, Czech, summer, FME, IMID
ZEMMeasurement and Experiment
Laboratory exercise, Czech, winter, FME, IMID
ZIPMechanical Design Project
Computer-assisted exercise, Czech, summer, FME, IMID

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025