
Supporting students with specific needs

Applicants and students with specific needs are assisted by the Alfons Counselling Centre at the BUT. It offers them, for example, an adaptation of the admission procedure, counselling and support services or a range of courses. A unique product of this centre is a technical dictionary for Czech sign language. Thanks to it, deaf students in technical fields can easily name even complex technical terms without having to use the lengthy finger alphabet.

Supporting students' entrepreneurship

Education in general is one of our priority tasks. We strive to make it accessible to all who are interested. We encourage our students not only to acquire all the necessary knowledge during their studies, but also to be able to think critically and see things in a broader context. Therefore, important values are not only knowledge and understanding, but also social skills and mutual respect.

For students who are thinking about starting their own business, we are running a competition called Come to Business! (Pojď podnikat! in Czech). Interested candidates have the opportunity to present their ideas to a panel of experts and, in addition to information on basic procedures and ways to evaluate their potential, if they win they can also receive a financial reward to help them realise their idea. Students can also enroll in a free course, Developing and Implementing a Business Idea Development and Realization.

We encourage students to meet each other across faculties and work together on joint projects, to translate their ideas into real outcomes and to try multidisciplinary collaboration on practical tasks. A typical example of such activity is the work of the TU Brno Racing team, which is engaged in the development of racing formulas, resulting in a fully electric vehicle, with which they participate in competitions around the world.

Social security

Social security and equal opportunities are very important issues. The BUT strives to provide a positive, safe environment for all students and staff, in which values such as collegiality, equality, respect and openness are of key importance. Any form of unwanted behaviour is not tolerated and the University has a support system in place which can be utilised if necessary.

Responsibility: Mgr. Marta Vaňková