Course detail

Studio I - Performance - winter

FaVU-B1PE-ZAcad. year: 2023/2024

The art of performance is the most expressive means of contemporary action art, the continuation of happenings, events and other activities. It is the borderline form of fine arts, focusing directly on the creative act in a spatio-temporal situation, in real time and in a natural environment. It is an inter-medial expression connecting traditional methods of theatre, dance, music, literature, fine arts and architecture. Rooted in the contemporary relation between action and environment its emphasis is on new media: video, information and communication technologies.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.


Entry knowledge

The prerequisite is defined by artistic and theoretic abilities shown at entrance exams.

Rules for evaluation and completion of the course

Credit for the course is granted upon successful completion and presentation of a semester projekt, submission of a printed portfolio of works, and the presentation of the semester work at the faculty Open House Days. Participation in studio class and studio projects is mandatory for course completion.
Lessons are mandatory.

about 3 hours a week

Studio praxis:
about 12 hours a week


The Performance Studio develops the abilities to combine and integrate various artistic means of expression into the complexity of an artwork. The cognition and control of the methods of presentation results in the ability to enter and intervene in reality creatively. The studio is built around profound teachings of a human being as a physical, psychological and spiritual being including the transcendent dimension. This teaching method attempts to gain the knowledge about the world and human beings through the approach of inner training, which leads the mature persons towards the freedom of their individuality. The students must find themselves, their worldview, their circle of fellow-beings and their roles in the world, through their own experience. The task of the teacher is not to impose upon the students’ “self”, but to contribute to the formation of their means (body and soul) so that their individuality (esprit) can then freely handle and control these means. The teacher helps the students to remove their physical and spiritual barriers and creates the conditions through which the genius can enter life uninhibited.

The most important function of the autonomous individual life of each novice in the arts is to represent and protect the area of “pure humanity” in every situation, regardless of the political and economic interests. This individual life, together with the guarantees of the free flow of information, must be protected through academic freedom. The most important task is not to provide knowledge as such, but to provide the art of teaching – why and in which way it is necessary to learn. The studio's aim is education in the sense of self-creation.

In principle, the art of education is not about a set of pedagogical methods, but foremost is about an exemplary attitude towards life. The most important task of the art teacher is to support and socially fertilize student’s talents (not to impose on them work within a mechanistically set system of technical and economic trends). The pedagogical purpose of such a school is not to educate “programmed commercial specialists”, but universally educated people who are fully interested in the whole reality of life (thus also capable of managing their specialization).

The fundamental condition for the creative individual life is the freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
The studio's projects are based on independent artistic creation, which is presented primarily in galleries, museums and other public and alternative spaces. The studio aims to reach the quality of a basic experimentation process on an exclusive professional level, develops creative methods from sensation through imagination over inspiration to intuition.

Study aids

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Kaprow, Allan, Blurring of Art and Life, University of California – California (CS)
Kaprow, Allan, Assemblage, Environments & Happenings, Abrams – NY (CS)
Kaprow, Allan, Childsplay: the art of Allan Kaprow, University of California Press - Berkeley (CS)
Kaprow, Allan, Michael Kirby, Happenings, Dutton – NY (CS)
Cage, John, Silence, Wesleyan University Press – Middletown (CS)
Art of Zen, Stephen Addis, Harry N. Abrams - NY (CS)
Black Mountain College, Mary Emma Harris, MIT Press - Cambridge (CS)
Happening and Other Acts, Mariellen R. Sandford, Routledge – NY (CS)
Happenings : an Illustrated Anthology, Jim Dine, Dutton – NY (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme VUB Bachelor's

    branch VU-IDT , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



39 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1st YEAR Static Image – ”composition on a plane”

1st semester: STILL LIFE (object) – OBSERVATION AND VISION

the philosophy of ”still life” – silence, emptiness, darkness – the major phenomena of dematerialization (John CAGE / Alan KAPROW)

direct life experience with the material world: haptic, tasting, olfactory, sonic and visual qualities

historical still life – treatment of the theme through traditional techniques: drawing/picture, text/description, theatre (objects as props) – semantic qualities: fetishism

facticity of things: collage, whole/fragment, documentation/archive

contemporary still life – captured by new media: voyeurism and visionarism

action – ”still life”


156 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Výuka probíhá podle pokynů vedoucího ateliéru a v souladu s individuálními tvůrčími kvalitami studentů.