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Course detail
FCH-MA_BCH2Acad. year: 2022/2023
Metabolic pathways. Bioenergetics and oxidative metabolism. Short-term and long-term control mechanisms - regulation of enzyme activity, gene expression regulation; cell signaling. Carbohydrate metabolism - major metabolic pathways and their control, special pathways. Tricarboxylic acid cycle. Electron transport chain. Oxidative phosphorylation. Lipid metabolism - utilization and storage of energy. Metabolismus of nitrogen compounds I - Amino acid metabolism. Metabolsim of nitrogen compounds II - Porfyrin and heme metabolism, Nucelotide metabolism. Metabolic interrelationships and control. Compartmentation. Membrane transport. Biochemistry of hormones and the hormonal cascade system. Úvod do metabolismu, metabolické dráhy, termodynamika živých systémů. Základní krátkodobé a dlouhodobé regulační mechanismy - regulace nezymové aktivity, regulace genové exprese, buněčná signalizace. Metabolismus sacharidů – glykolýza, fermentace. Metabolismus glykogenu. Glyoxalátový cyklus. Cyklus trikarboxylových kyselin. Glukoneogeneze. Biologické oxidace. Dýchací řetězec. Fotosyntéza. Metabolismus lipidů a mastných kyselin. Obecná izoprenoidní dráha, metabolismus cholesterolu. Dusíkaté látky I - Metabolismus aminokyselin, močovinový cyklus. Dusíkaté látky II - Porfyriny, biosyntéza a odbourání hemu. Regulace intermediárního metabolismu živin. Neurohumorální systém. Mechanismus účinku hormonů. Metabolismus nukleotidů.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Výsledky učení předmětu
Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody
Způsob a kritéria hodnocení
Zkouška z BIochemistry II je ústní, student dostane kombinaci tří otázek pokrývajících celou problematiku. Hodnocení odpovídá standardům ECTS. (Oral examination, combination of 3 questions, evaluation according to ECTS standards).
Hodnocení cvičení: aktivní účast ve výuce – kruhové diskuse, příprava individuální prezentace. Absolování 4 průběžných testů o rozsahu 10 otázek, z každého je třeba získat 70 % bodů. (Exercises: active participation in round discussions, individual presentation, 4 tests/10 questions, minimum points – 70 %).
Osnovy výuky
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basics of cellular metabolism and its regulation. Based on the general principles of biochemical thermodynamics, the basic pathways of metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids will be discussed. The course also includes biological oxidation, cellular energy production and photosynthesis. Within the metabolism of nucleic acids and proteins, the course of gene expression and its regulation will be explained. The course also includes mutual relations and regulation within the intermediate metabolism of nutrients. During exercises will be discussed individual topics presented in lectures. Round discussions will be realized and completed by indiviual presentations of students.
Week:1. Basic principles of living systems, termodynamics, energy metabolism.2. Control of metabolism: mechanisms of enzyme activity control (allostery, covalent modification); cell signaling.3. Metabolic control 2: control of gene expressione; turnover of protein molecules.4. Metabolism of saccharides – glycolysis, types of fermentation and their industrial use. 5. The tricarboxylic acid cycle. Gluconeogenesis. The ketone bodies.6. Biological oxidations. Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation – redox complexes, respiratory chain control. 7. Photosynthesis – principles, control (oxygenic, anoxygenic).8. Metabolism of lipids: The beta-oxidation of fatty acids, FA biosynthesis. Metabolism of triacylglycerols and phospholipids. 9. The isoprenoid pathway. Cholesterol metabolism. 10. Metabolism of nitrogen compounds 1: nitrogen fixation, amino acids degradation. The urea cycle. Degradation of carbon chain of AA.. Biosynthesis of amino acids. 11. Metabolism of nitrogen compounds 2: Amino acids as biosynthetic precursors: The porphyrine pathway. Nucleotide metabolism. Biosynthesis and degradation of nucleotides and nucleic acids. 12. Secondary metabolism – overview.13. Metabolism of selected classes of secondary metabolites – vitamins, antibiotics, aromatic compounds, alkaloids, glycosides.
Work placements
Učební cíle
Vymezení kontrolované výuky a způsob jejího provádění a formy nahrazování zameškané výuky
Recommended optional programme components
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
specialization BF , 1 year of study, zimní semester, povinnýspecialization CHBL , 1 year of study, zimní semester, povinný
Teacher / Lecturer
Konzultace v kombinovaném studiu