Course detail

English for Chemists III

FCH-BCV_A3Acad. year: 2017/2018

Familiarization with the basic demands how to make a successful oral prezentation and mastering short chemically oriented prezentation based on an individual choice. Extension of vocabulary in the fields of chemistry of environment, physical chemistry, chemical engineering. Development of ability to understand new expressions through understanding prefixes and suffixes. Specific structures such as the more-the more, reason and consequence, prediction, quantification of uncountable nouns used in specific texts. Aiming at English at B1 level.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

General and specific vocabulary (see the "Osnova" section)r, grammar used in specific tetx at B1 level, development of all skills on the level leading to completing B1 exam.


Knowledge of general English lower B1 level. Completing English for Chemists I and II.


English for ChemistsIV(B1), chemistry oriented courses delivered in 2nd year of study.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching methods: lecture, activating methods, individualized learning, development of study styles and strategies essential for life-long extension of language competence. CLIL.
The course uses teaching methods in form of Language exercise - 2 teaching hours per week. The e-learning system (LMS Moodle) is available to teachers and students.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

To acquire the credit, the following requirements must be fulfilled: Attendance in lessons (2 absences are allowed), completion of individual tests during the semester, satisfactory performance at seminars, bringing a printed/electronic copy of study materials into seminars, delivery of a chemically oriented presentation and succesfull completion of final credit test (75%) with minimum 50% completion of each test item. "Nanomedicine/Nanotechnology" essay.
Successful completion of the English for Chemists II course is required as the necessary prerequisity for the course attendance.
Completion of English for Chemists I and II courses.

Course curriculum

1st week: Lesson 1 - Making an oral presentation. Scheduling the presentation, useful expressions and phrases corresponding with the individual sections of the presentation. Proper use of body language in the course of the presentation. Description of more complex charts and pictures. Examples of correct and incorrect presentations. Analysis of the most common mistakes. Practicing the opening of a presentation, preparation of the topic of own presentation. Self-study: L2 vocabulary.

2nd week: Lesson 2 - Physical chemistry II. Rate of chemical reactions, orders of reactions: development of specific vocabulary, description of other terms referring to the given topic. Development of reading for both gist and specific information. Development of oral and written skills through asking and answering questions. Watching authentic video clip leading to the independent description of the chemical reaction involved. Grammar - direct and indirect proportionality, "the more - the more" structure. Note taking - making a table from the "Emulsions" text. Self-study: L3 vocabulary, introduction to L3.

3rd week: Lesson 3 - Environmental chemistry. Familiarization with the terms applying to the individual environmental compartments including their pollution, waste and waste treatment, sustainable development, etc. Development of all 4 skills so that students will be able to define individual terms (namely different sciences) and to describe the differences between these terms. Listening to a thematic video and its reproduction. Conversation focused on environmental protection.

4th week: Lesson 3 - Environmental chemistry. Thematic based listening, oral reproduction. Grammar: Adverbial clauses of cause and reason. Environmental quiz completion, guided panel discussion on environmental topics/activating methods.

5th week: Lesson 4 - Word formation by using pre- and suffixes. Development of autonomous learning skills through the basic knowledge of morphology. Understanding unknown words based on morpheme analysis and affixation. Self-study: L5 vocabulary I.

6th week: Lesson 4 - Word formation, sentence structure. Reading of technical texts oriented on individual specializations of the students. Morpheme analysis with the aim to understand a professional text. SVOMPT rule - general aspects and its use in specific texts. L5 - introduction. Self-study: L5 vocabulary II.

7th week: Lesson 5 - Chemical engineering. Chemical engineering - definition, reading for general and particular information. Soap production - description of a technological procedure. Activating methods/discussion on soap production. specific preposition structures. Thematically oriented listening for gist and particular information. extension of vocabulary. Self-study: L6 vocabulary.

8th week: Lesson 6 – Heat transfer – vocabulary, reading and understanding of the texts describing individual mechanisms of heat transfer. Vocabulary, reading, understanding topic related texts, listening “Conduction, convection, radiation”. Completing a table, guided written and oral description of individual mechanisms of heat transfer. Exemplification, guided discussion/activating methods. Self-study: L7 vocabulary I.

9th week: Lesson 7 – Nanotechnology. CLIL - gaining specific knowledge and development of language skills. Basic terms and vocabulary, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine texts. Assignment of "Nanotechnology/Nanomedicine" essay.

10th week: Lesson 7 - listening to the “Nanomedicine” video and following guided discussion. Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns in specific texts, future tense in predictions. Self-study: L8 vocabulary.

11th week: Lesson 8 – Composites. Vocabulary. Individual description of composite types. Reading for gist and individual information, guided discussion/activating methods. Essays - feedback.

12 and 13 weeks: Students´presentation on chemic

Work placements

Not applicable.


General and specific vocabulary, grammar items used in specific texts, development of all skills on the level leading to completing B1 exam.
Curriculum will aim at facilitation of English for chemists III and IV courses, other courses delivered in English, bachelor thesis and at mastering English at B1 level.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Students hand in individually completed tasks and exercises according to the subject syllabus. They also deliver a presentation on a subject focused topic. Attendance at organized seminars is systematically monitored (2 absences allowed). Absences at seminars can be compensated by successful delivery of another presentation.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Clemensová, G., Fišerová, L. English for Chemists 3 (CS)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BPCP_CHTP Bachelor's

    branch BPCO_CHP , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch BPCO_BT , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme BKCP_CHTP Bachelor's

    branch BKCO_PCH , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch BKCO_BT , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme BKCP_CHCHT Bachelor's

    branch BKCO_SCH , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch BKCO_CHTOZP , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch BKCO_CHM , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme BPCP_CHCHT Bachelor's

    branch BPCO_SCH , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch BPCO_CHMN , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch BPCO_CHM , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch BPCO_CHTOZP , 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme CKCP_CZV lifelong learning

    branch CKCO_CZV , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme NPCP_CHM_INT Master's

    branch NPCO_CHM , 1 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit


Computer-assisted exercise

26 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer