Project detail

Erasmus+ vysokoškolské vzdělávání KA171 - výzva 2023

Duration: 1.8.2023 — 31.7.2026

Funding resources

Evropská unie - Erasmus+

- whole funder (1. 8. 2023 - 31. 7. 2026)


Erasmus+ KA171

Default language


People responsible

Veselá Michaela, Mgr. - principal person responsible


Department of internationalization
- responsible department (26.2.2024 - not assigned)
Department of Internationalization and Marketing
- responsible department (17.8.2023 - 26.2.2024)
Department of internationalization
- co-beneficiary (1.8.2023 - 31.7.2026)
Department of Internationalization and Marketing
- beneficiary (17.8.2023 - not assigned)

Responsibility: Veselá Michaela, Mgr.