Project detail

PUTM: The contribution of applied arts and technical museums to the economic development and educational culture of Moravia and Czech Silesia: foundations - situation - perspectives

Duration: 01.03.2023 — 31.12.2027

Funding resources

Ministerstvo kultury ČR - NAKI III – program na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu v oblasti národní a kulturní identity na léta 2023 až 2030

- whole funder (2023-01-30 - 2027-12-31)

On the project

1. Národní a kulturní identita v archeologické, historické a sociálně kulturní kontinuitě či diskontinuitě a jejich reflexi na historickém území českého státu 5. Národní a kulturní identita v udržování a rozvoji historického a kulturního vědomí 16. Metody identifikace, dokumentace, evidence a interpretace národního nemovitého a movitého kulturního dědictví

Description in English
The presented project focuses on the unique phenomenon of museums of applied arts and technology, which in their history belonged to the most progressive museum types in the Czech lands. The project is intended to present the fundamental aspects of these museums during their historical development and to satisfy the current needs of the research community, whose interest has been more and more focused on this problem. The identification and categorisation of museum collections documenting applied arts, technology and science in the territory of Moravia and Czech Silesia respond to the necessity to explore the potential of cultural and industrial heritage through the perspective of (not only) collection objects stored in memory institutions, which have been acquired to increase the quality of production, to develop the contemporary style and knowledge or to document the level of technology in a given period of time. The outcome of the historical-museological research will be an extensive specialised database, which will enable the professional and non-professional community to gain a good overview of individual types of collections and their content based on preset criteria. Other outputs of the project will be thematic monographs, journal articles, conferences and exhibitions with critical catalogues, which will elucidate, among others, the contribution of (Central European) museums of applied arts and technology to schooling activities in the field of technology studies and their potential for contemporary education. The planned audio programmes will be primarily intended for pedagogical and educational purposes. They should help to understand the role of handicraft and technology collections in the cultural and social context of a given historical period and to document their significance for the formation of the museum phenomenon and the development of industry, science and technology in the territory of Moravia and present-day Czech Silesia.

Národní a kulturní identita, museums of applied arts, collections of applied arts, science and technology, cultural and industrial heritage, museums of technology, museology, Moravia and Silesia

Key words in English
museums of applied arts, museology, collections of applied arts, Moravia and Silesia, science and technology, cultural and industrial heritage, museums of technology

Default language


People responsible

Palacký Jiří, doc. Ing. arch., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Tomková Zuzana, Ing. arch. - fellow researcher
Šopák Pavel, prof. PhDr., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Department of Theory
- (2022-04-19 - not assigned)


ŠOPÁK, P. Zámecká knihovna v Bruntále na počátku 19. století (Příspěvek k dějinám intelektuality v českém Slezsku v době založení Gymnazijního muzea). Časopis Slezského zemského muzea. Série B, vědy historické. Slezské zemské muzeum AB AC, 2023, roč. 72, č. 1, s. 2-14. ISSN: 1211-3131.