Project detail

Rail Infrastructure System Engineering Network (RISEN)

Duration: 1.4.2016 — 30.9.2021

Funding resources

Evropská unie - Horizon 2020

- whole funder (1. 1. 2016 - 31. 3. 2022)



Default language


People responsible

Omasta Milan, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Galas Radovan, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Hartl Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Kvarda Daniel, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher


Institute of Machine and Industrial Design
- responsible department (1.1.2016 - not assigned)
Institute of Machine and Industrial Design
- beneficiary (1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019)


OMASTA, M.; CHEN, H. Wheel-rail interface under extreme conditions. In Rail Infrastructure Resilience: A Best-Practices Handbook. 1. Woodhead Publishing, 2022. p. 137-160. ISBN: 9780128210420.

GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; SHI, L.; DING, H.; WANG, W.; HARTL, M.; KŘUPKA, I. The low adhesion problem: The effect of environmental conditions on adhesion in rolling-sliding contact. Tribology International, 2020, vol. 151, no. 11, p. 106521-106531. ISSN: 0301-679X.

SHI, L.B.; LI, Q.; KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; WANG, W.J.; GUO, J.; LIU, Q.Y. Study on the wheel/rail adhesion restoration and damage evolution in the single application of alumina particles. WEAR, 2019, vol. 426-427, no. Part B, p. 1807-1819. ISSN: 0043-1648.

OMASTA, M.; KAEWUNRUEN, S. Foreword: 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). In 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). Proceedings. MDPI, 2018. p. 1-2. ISSN: 2504-3900.

OMASTA, M.; KAEWUNRUEN, S. 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). 2018.

OMASTA, M.; GALAS, R.: 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). Brno (04.06.2018)

GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; HARTL, M. Top-of-Rail Lubricants: Potential Risks and Benefits. In 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). Proceedings. MDPI, 2018. p. 1140-1141. ISSN: 2504-3900.

KVARDA, D.; GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; HARTL, M. An Investigation on Adhesion Behavior of Solid Particles in Water Contaminated Wheel-Rail Contact. In 2018 International Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering (i-RISE 2018). Proceedings. MDPI, 2018. p. 1145-1148. ISSN: 2504-3900.

GALAS, R.; OMASTA, M.; KLAPKA, M.; KAEWUNRUEN, S.; KŘUPKA, I.; HARTL, M. Case study: the influence of oil-based friction modifier quantity on tram braking distance and noise. Tribology in Industry, 2017, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 198-206. ISSN: 0354-8996.