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Project detail
Duration: 1.5.2002 — 30.4.2005
Funding resources
Grantová agentura České republiky - Postdoktorandské granty
- part funder (1. 5. 2002 - 30. 4. 2005)
On the project
Navrhovaný projekt je zaměřený na problematiku vysokofrekvenčních tlakových pulzací v hydraulických strojích
Description in EnglishThe proposed project deals with the high-frequency pressure pulsations at water turbines. These pressure pulsations are generated by the stator-rotor blade lattice interaction. The frequency is a multiple of the turbine speed. The hydraulic systemscannotbe regarded as one-dimensional because of the high frequency of the pressure pulsations and relatively small dimensions of the spiral case compared to pressure pulsation wave length. For this reason the proposed project concentrates on thetransfer matrix formulation that considers two-dimensional dynamic behaviour of the hydraulic system. This formulated transfer matrix will allow more precise prediction of the high-frequency pressure pulsations in hydraulic systems with water turbines inthe design stage of a real project.
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People responsible
Habán Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering- responsible department (1.1.1989 - not assigned)Victor Kaplan Dept. of Fluid Engineering- beneficiary (1.5.2002 - 30.4.2005)
POCHYLÝ, F.; FIALOVÁ, S.; HABÁN, V. Flow with large deformation of boundaries. Strojnícky časopis, 2005, vol. 56,2005, no. 4, p. 211-220. ISSN: 0039-2472.Detail
POCHYLÝ, F.; FIALOVÁ, S.; HABÁN, V. Solution of Navier-Stokes equations with Large Deformation of Boundaries. In Flow-Induced Vibration Volume Il. Paris, France: E. DE LANGRE & F. AXISA, 2004. p. 123-127. ISBN: 2-7302-1142-X.Detail
NAGY, Z., SZABÓ, Z. Image format conversion by wavelets from SIF into CCIR 601 (4:2:2) with sharpness retained. In Proceedings of 3rd International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering - Poster 99. Praha: CVUT, 1999. p. 36 ( p.)Detail
NAGY, Z., PROVAZNÍK, I., FEDRA, P. Wavelet interpolation of 2D images. In Proceedings of International Conference Wavelets and Applications Workshop. Ascona, 1998. p. 195 ( p.)Detail
HABÁN, V.; POCHYLÝ, F. Vliv druhé viskozity a odporu na rozváděcích lopatkách na vysokofrekvenční pulsace v soustavě s čerpadlovou turbínou. In PROCEEDINGS INTERACTION AND FEEDBACKS 2003. Praha: Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR Prague, 2003. s. 27 ( s.)ISBN: 80-85918-84-6.Detail
Responsibility: Habán Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.