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Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication

Doctoral full-time study


Doctoral full-time study, 4 years, earned title Ph.D.

2020-06-18 - First round
Number of applications submitted and applicants registered 1
Number of applicants taking part in admission exams (including exams taking place on backup dates) 1
Number of applicants meeting admission conditions (including those not admitted for capacity reasons) 0
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 1
Number of applicants admitted excluding those admitted as a result of revising the original decision 0
Total number of applicants admitted 0

Statistics of written exams: 18.6.2020

Detail for date 18.6.2020 of this programme

Number of applicants taking part in the written part of admission exam 1
The best possible result of theadmission exam 100
The best actual result of the admission exam 74

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