Branch Details

Physical and Materials Engineering

Original title in Czech: Fyzikální a materiálové inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: D-FMIAcad. year: 2010/2011Specialisation: Physical Engineering

Programme: Physical and Materials Engineering

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.3.2016


The curriculum concentrates on the comprehensive study of materials properties and failure processes from the point of view of physics and physical metallurgy. Students should develop capability to apply their knowledge in inventive manner to new technologies and materials, such as plasma spraying, special methods of thermo-mechanical and thermo-chemical treatment, etc. Special attention is paid to the degradation processes and to the synergetic effects of various materials properties on material failure. The subjects of study are metallic and non-metallic materials, e.g., structural ceramics, polymers, amorphous and nanocrystalline materials and intermetallics.
The Ph.D. programme requires proficiency in mathematics and physics at the MSc. degree level obtained from Faculty of Science or Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Fabrication of nanostructures and masks by using of local anodic oxidation (LAO)

    - Study of local anodic oxidation (LAO) by AFM. - Application of AFM in fabrication of masks and grids for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics.

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  2. Fabrication of nanostructures and masks by using of the focused ion beam (FIB)

    - Study of principles in fabrication of nanostructures by local sputtering and deposition using the focused ion beam (FIB) - Application of FIB for fabrication of masks and grids in nanoelectronics and nanophotonics

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  3. Fabrication of nanostructures and nanodevices for nanoelectronics and spintronics, study of their transport properties

    - Development of the methods of fabricatiom of nanostructures and nanodevices (e.g. quantum rings and dots, single electron transistors, spin valves, etc.) by application of available methods (e.g. local anodic oxidation by AFM, focused ion beam - FIB, electron lithography) on advanced materials and structures (e.g. semiconductor heterostructures with 2D electron gas, magnetic layered structures and semiconductors, graphene, etc.). - Measurement of electrical and magnetoelectrical properties of fabricated stractures and devices, ane their possible application

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  4. Fabrication of nanostructures by using of self-assembled mechanism

    - Study of the influence of substrates and deposition conditions on the growth of ultrathin films and nanostructures, - Application of controlled self-assembly (e.g. of selective growth) in fabrication of masks and grids for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics.

    Tutor: Spousta Jiří, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  5. Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD), part II.

    Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) of thin films ZrO2, HfO2, Al2O3, hydroxylapatite ..., part II.

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  6. Nanophotonics I

    Application of plasmon polaritons in nanophotonics - Generation and detection of plasmon polaritons in metal thin films and nanostructures. - Study of propagation of plasmon polaritons on surfaces of these objects and their application (e.g. in nanosensors).

    Tutor: Dub Petr, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  7. Nanophotonics II

    Application of plasmon polaritons in nanophotonics> - Fabrication of plasmonic nanoantennas and a study of their influence on local excitation of electromagnetic. radiation - Application of plasmonic nanoantennas in local excitation of photoluminescence

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  8. Study of physical properties of nanostructures

    - Building an apparatus for the measurements of local and integral photoluminescence properties of nanostructures - Study of photoluminescence properties of nanostructures (ordered and disordered semiconductor/dielectric structures)

    Tutor: Spousta Jiří, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  9. Study of transport properties of the molecular nanofibres

    - Development of the methods of manipulation/formation of nanofibres (e.g. C60) between segments of nanoelectrodes. - Measurement of electrical transport properties of nanofibres.

    Tutor: Dub Petr, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  10. Study of ultra thin magnetic layers and nanostructures

    - Application of a newly developed ultravacuum apparatus based on MBE and RHEED, for preparation of magnetic ultrathin films and nanostructures - Application of FIB, EBL and other methods for preparation of magnetic ultrathin films and nanostructures - Study of magnetic properties of ultrathin films and nanostructures

    Tutor: Spousta Jiří, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

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