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Course detail
FP-sbmPAcad. year: 2024/2025
Course is focused on strategic brand development in the context of strategic management of company. Course is based on theoretical concepts brand usable for formulation and implementation of value creating strategy of company. Course defines areas important for understanding of brand nature and importance of brand for company success. Course defines concept of brand on the base of brand elements, brand identity and brand positioning. Course deals with brand development in contemporary global environment.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Offered to foreign students
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
The evaluation includes an interim assessment of the outputs, a final workshop and an exam. The evaluation takes into account teamwork and individual performance.Course evaluation:Interim assessment for work during the semester.- Team project work - working on 4 follow-up assignments - 60% (up to 60 points)- Final workshop - 40% (up to 40 points)At least 20 points for the follow-up assignments are required for credit.NoteStudents may be assessed for points earned in the continuous assessment. In this case, the assessment is governed by the ECTS. If they do not gain sufficient points in the continuous assessment they will take an exam for classification. Points from the continuous assessment are not transferred to the examination.
ExamIndividual written examination with oral follow-up. The given task and its solution test knowledge of theory and its application. The written part takes 60 minutes. The oral part is for 15 minutes. The evaluation is point-based, the total number of points is a maximum of 100, the final classification is according to ECTS. No own materials can be used for the exam. Students work only with the assigned materials.
Students with ISP take the course by examination.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
branch MGR-Z , 1 year of study, summer semester, elective
Teacher / Lecturer
Practice brand development skills.