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Course detail
FEKT-BPC-EL2Acad. year: 2023/2024
The course deals with the basics of electrical engineering and extends the knowledge obtained in the course Electrical Engineering1. At the beginning of the course are discussed universal and special methods of analysis of linear circuits in harmonic steady state, including the polyphase circuits. In the next section, students learn about the characteristics of RC, RL and RLC circuits. The following part explain classical and operator method of transient solution in linear circuits, students will learn how to determine the response of the circuit to the standard and arbitrary signals. The last part of the course is theory of homogeneous transmission lines.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Work in the laboratory is subject to a valid "instructed person" qualification, which students must obtain before starting the course. Information on this qualification is provided in the Dean's Guideline on Student Familiarity with Safety Regulations.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended literature
Classification of course in study plans
specialization AUDB-TECH , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Harmonic quantities in electrical networks. Phasors2. Symbolic method for simulation of linear networks in harmonic steady state. Power in HSS3. Method of equivalent source,loop current method (LCM), nodal voltag method (NVM) in HSS4. Three-phase systems. Power in three-phase systems5. Analysis of three-phase systems6. Properties of basic linear passive RC, RL networks7. Resonant circuits 8. Transients in linear networks of 1st and 2nd-order 9. Operator method for solution of transients in linear networks10. Step and impulse responses of a linear network11. Transmission lines, primary and secondary parameters. Transient phenomena in transmission lines12. Transmission lines in HSS, waves on TL, applications of TL13. Reserve, exam preparation
Laboratory exercise
1 A Impedances2 A Harmonic steady state circuit analysis3 A Power in single-phase circuit4 A Phasor diagrams5 A Three-phase system6 A Power in a three-phase system7 A Basic characteristics of RC and CR two-ports1 B Series resonant circuit2 B Parallel resonant circuit3 B Transients in RC and RLC circuits4 B Analysis of non-harmonic signals5 B Wave propagation on a homogeneous transmission line6 B Transients on homogeneous transmission lines7 B Measurements on a fluorescent tube
Computer-assisted exercise
1. Complex numbers - basic operations, phasors2. Introduction to symbolic method of linear circuit analysis3. Loop current method (LCM), nodal voltage method (NVM)4. Alternate source method, phasor diagrams5. Circuit Simulation Part 1. Written test no. 16. Three-phase circuits, power in three-phase circuits7. Basic passive linear two-ports networks8. Resonant circuits. Written test no. 29. Transients in linear circuits10. Transients with non-zero initial conditions11. Transient and impulse response of a linear circuit12. Homogeneous transmission lines13. Circuit simulation 2. Laboratory test
E-learning texts