Course detail

Information System of Small Company

FP-BISSCEAcad. year: 2021/2022

Students will gain skills and knowledge necessary for specifying requirements for an information system, its analyses, design, implementation and continual development with the focus on digital business and support of managerial tasks.
Students will be able to use common office applications for solving managerial tasks as well as prepare project of information systems within the SME business.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students are able to specify requirements for an information system, analyse, design, implement and continualy develop information system as a project with the focus on digital business and support of managerial tasks in the conditions of small companies.


Basic competence in the use of ICT (theoretical and practical) at the level of higher education. Good knowledge and skills in the use of office applications.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Common course curriculum, Lecture, Seminars in computer labs

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Evaluation of the course consists of two parts – processing of the semester project focused on selected theme and exam written test with possibility of consequent oral examination.
Processing and defence of the project is also necessary condition for granting credit.
Scoring of each component is as follows:
* Project max. 60 points that are divided into max 40 points for processing and max 20 points for defence of the project.
* Exam test with possibility of consequent oral examination max 40 points. Test is in the form of practical solution of given task with the focus on data processing and interpretation of results for decision support. (Minimum for successful completion of the Exam test is 50% - 20 points)
Main topics of the project are as follows:
* Proposal of Information System for specific SME business.
* Proposal of Part of Information System as a Support for Managerial Tasks.
The maximum number of points is 100 and the final classification is based on the number of points and is in line with ECTS. Students have to obtain at least 50 points in sum to pass the course. In case of insufficient number of points or the need for better assessment, students have the opportunity to use oral exam.

Course curriculum

Information Systems for SME Business in Digital Age
1. Information Systems in Global Business and Networked Enterprises
2. Information Systems - Organizations, Strategy and Management
3. Key System Applications for the Digital Age (Operational Excellence, E-Commerce, Managing Knowledge and Enhancing Decision Making )
4. Information Technology Infrastructure (IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies, Telecommunications, Internet and Wireless Technology)
How to get the proper IS for SME Business
5. Information System for SME Business (Systematic Approach)
6. Building Information Systems for SME Business
7. Managing Projects of Information Systems
8. Managing and Continual Development of Information Systems
IS for SME Business as a Support for Solving Managerial Tasks
9. Foundation of Business Intelligence and Information Management
10. Data processing and Data Analysis in Information Systems
11. Data Science for SME Business
12. Securing Information Systems – Security as key aspect.
Selected Complex Real-live Case Study
13. Selected Case Studies

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim of the course is to make students familiar with theoretical methods, methodologies and possibilities of information systems in the frame of entrepreneurship development in digital economy with practical application in every-day life. Partial goal is improvement of practical skills in data processing as a support for solving managerial tasks.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Attendance at lectures and seminars is required as well as studying of basic literature. Control is in teacher’s competence. Students can have max. 3 absences that could and will be compensated by individual work.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

LAUDON, K.C. and J.P. LAUDON. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. 14th ed. Harlow: Pearson, 2015. 604 p. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-389816-3.
WINSTON, W. L. Microsoft Excel 2013: Data Analysis and Business Modelling. 1st ed. California: O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2014. 889 p. ISBN 978-0-7356-6913-0.

Recommended reading

KROENKE, David and Earl McKinney. Processes, Systems, and Information: An Introduction to MIS. New Jersey: Pearson, 2015. 2nd ed. 400 p. ISBN 978-0-3-354675-0.
LAUDON, K. C. and C. G. TRAVER. E-commerce 2017: Business, Technology, Society. 13th ed. Boston: Pearson, 2017. 912 p. ISBN 978-0-13-460156-4.
CORONEL, C. and S. MORRIS. Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management. 12th ed. Boston: Course Technology, 2016. 791 p. ISBN 978-1305627482.


Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BAK-ESBD Bachelor's 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

  • Programme BAK-E Bachelor's

    branch BAK-ESBD , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



10 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


1. Information Systems in Global Business and Networked Enterprises
2. Information Systems - Organizations, Strategy and Management
3. Key System Applications for the Digital Age (Operational Excellence, E-Commerce, Managing Knowledge and Enhancing Decision Making )
4. Information Technology Infrastructure (IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies, Telecommunications, Internet and Wireless Technology)
5. Information System for SME Business (Systematic Approach)
6. Building Information Systems for SME Business
7. Managing Projects of Information Systems
8. Managing and Continual Development of Information Systems
9. Foundation of Business Intelligence and Information Management
10. Data processing and Data Analysis in Information Systems
11. Data Science for SME Business
12. Securing Information Systems – Security as key aspect.
13. Selected Case Study


10 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Seminars are divided into two parts.
The first part is dedicated to case studies and practical examples with direct connection to the lectures. Topics fully correspond to thematic focus of lectures.
The second part is focused on the Course project. This work on project is divided as follows:
1. Initiation of the project!
2.-3. Analyse & Define!
4.-5. Design & Build!
6.-7. Deploy!
8.-9. Operate!
10.-11. Analyse the results (and Upgrade)!
12.-13. Summarize (document) and present the results!
