Product detail

Laboratory strength test methodology of 304S wing


Product type

metodika certifikovaná uplatněná


Methodology of the static strength test of the HpH 304 S wing in compliance with CS-22 requirements. It is testing procedure. Methodology itself is test implementation procedure, i.e. a definition of a specimen and its attachment for the test implementation, load application and distribution on the structure, implementation description of stress and strain measurement, implementation of construction heating and temperature monitoring during the test, a description of the actual test procedures and speed of loading, and process evaluation of the measurement results and the evaluation of test results. The methodology is applicable for repetitive tests of the wings (so far three tests were realized) but also applicable to other types of all-composite wings of similar construction.


wing, test

Create date

8. 2. 2010


LÚ, FSI, VUT v Brně

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