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Project detail
Duration: 01.01.2000 — 31.12.2001
Funding resources
Czech Science Foundation - Standardní projekty
- whole funder
On the project
Description in EnglishThe project discusses the problems related with the definition of optimum maintenance strategy of power devices on the basis of statistical failure rate of power devices. The aim consists in the establishing of mathematical model which uses the theory ofgames as the method for setting up the optimum maintenance strategy. Algorithmization of the mathematical model provides for the development of computation programs. The impact of the particular parameters of the model, which affects the results achievedi.e. the average yearly costs pertaining to the specific equipment, is determined by using the sensitivity analysis of the model. The basic criterion of the optimum strategy are the operation costs, which should be kept at minimum. It may be expected thathe model as such shall meet the requirements of both the power devices and all that systems, which can be used for power transmission and for an uninterrupted production of goods.
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People responsible
Blažek Vladimír, doc. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible
Department of Electrical Power Engineering- (2001-01-01 - not assigned)
BLAŽEK, V., JAVORA, R. Optimization of Maintenance Works of Power Devices by Using the Theory of Games. In Proceedings of the X-th International Scientific Conference of Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering. Gdansk-Jurata: Politechnika Gdanska, 2001. p. 271 ( p.)ISBN: 83-909885-1-8.Detail
BLAŽEK, V., SKALA, P., JAVORA, R. Oponovaná závěrečná zpráva projektu GA ČR č. 102/01/1038 "Stanovení optimální strategie údržby energetických zařízení", Brno, 28.1.2002. neuvedeno. 2002.Detail
BLAŽEK, V., JAVORA, R. Efficiency of Replacement of Power Devices Installed in Distribution Networks Prior to the Final Date of their Technical Service Life. In CD-ROM: 16-th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. Amsterdam: CIRED, 2001. p. CD-ROM ( p.)ISBN: 0-85296-735-7.Detail