Project detail

Research into the sensitivity of hollow-core optical fibers on waves in the acoustic spectrum

Duration: 01.01.2023 — 31.12.2025

Funding resources

Ministerstvo vnitra ČR - 1 VS OPSEC

- whole funder (2023-01-03 - 2025-12-31)

On the project

Description in English
Single mode silica fibres are dominantly used for broadband communications and frequently terminate in devices located in office rooms (FTTO, FTTD). Acoustic signals in the office can be modulated onto an optical signals and subsequently demodulated for monitoring (eavesdropping). In the project, we are going to investigate an acoustic sensitivity of a special type of antiresonant silica optical fibres called negative curvature hollow core fibres. Due to low backscattering in these fibres we expect immunity to reflectometric sensor systems. We will optimise a process of drawing these fibres in order to produce relevant lengths of fibres in Czechia and evaluate several types of hollow core fibres to acoustic vibrations.

Key words in English
negative curvature hollow-core fiber, acoustics, optical sensors



Default language


People responsible

Horváth Tomáš, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Münster Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Department of Telecommunications
- (2022-05-25 - not assigned)


DEJDAR, P.; ZÁVIŠKA, P.; TOMAŠOV, A.; HORVÁTH, T.; MÜNSTER, P. Standard single-mode fiber and hollow-core fiber sensitivity to acoustic vibrations in audible spectrum. In Optical Sensing and Detection VIII. Proceedings of SPIE. 2024. ISSN: 0277-786X.

DEJDAR, P.; MOKRÝ, O.; MÜNSTER, P.; HORVÁTH, T.; SPURNÝ, V.; TOMAŠOV, A.; JASIM, A.; PODRAZKÝ, O.; BORODKIN, A.; HONZÁTKO, P. Negative Curvature Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers Sensitivity to Acoustic Vibration in the Audible Spectrum. In 2023 International Workshop on Fiber Optics on Access Networks (FOAN). IEEE, 2023. p. 8-11. ISBN: 979-8-3503-1936-1.