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Project detail
Duration: 1.2.2021 — 31.1.2022
Funding resources
Evropská unie - Interní grantová soutěž
- whole funder (1. 2. 2021 - 31. 1. 2023)
On the project
Today's modern society relies heavily on digital technologies, and this brings with it various threats related to cyber security breaches and their economic impacts. The economics of cyber security is an area that deals with how and how much organizations invest in securing their assets. Although there has been a significant increase in research in this area, it is important to continue to examine security levels, invest in security controls and improve new controls, as cybercrime and economic espionage are increasingly problems for companies.
Description in EnglishThe aim of the project is to create a competition for student research grants and its pilot verification. The creation of a new competition will contribute to the development of cross-sectional skills of doctoral students, and thus acquire competencies for work in science and research in the future and increase their success in submitting scientific projects to national and international competitions.
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People responsible
Podešva Lukáš, Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsibleMyška Michal, Ing. - fellow researcherŠuňavcová Nikola, Ing. - fellow researcher
Faculty of Business and Management- responsible department (28.11.2020 - 30.1.2022)Institute of Informatics- responsible department (30.1.2022 - not assigned)Institute of Informatics- co-beneficiary (1.2.2021 - 31.1.2022)Faculty of Business and Management- beneficiary (1.2.2021 - 31.1.2023)
PODEŠVA, L.; KOCH, M. Comparison of the Most Important Models of Investments in Cyber and Information Security. TRENDY EKONOMIKY A MANAGEMENTU, 2022, vol. 16, no. 39, p. 25-34. ISSN: 1802-8527.Detail
PODEŠVA, L.; KOCH, M.; LUHAN, J. INVESTMENT MODELS FOR CYBERSECURITY AND INFORMATION SECURITY OF BUSINESSES – SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW. In Managing People and Organizations in a Global Crisis Managing People and Organizations in a Global Crisis. INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE. 2021. p. 21-27. ISSN: 2286-1440.Detail
PODEŠVA, L.; KOCH, M.; MYŠKA, M.; ŠUŇAVCOVÁ, N. The impact of the manufacturing companies’ size on cyber and information security. In 38th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA). U.S.A. Library of Congress. 2022. p. 9329-9337. ISBN: 978-0-9998551-7-1. ISSN: 2767-9640.Detail
ŠUŇAVCOVÁ, N. A systematic literature review of cyber security insurance. In SELECTED PAPERS OF INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE. Vysoké učení technické v Brně Fakulta podnikatelská: 2021. p. 153-161. ISBN: 978-80-214-6005-8.Detail
MYŠKA, M. Security of blockchain in cryptocurrencies and its use in cybersecurity. In COLLECTED ABSTRACTS AND PROGRAMME OF INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE. 2021. p. 61-61. ISBN: 978-80-214-6004-1.Detail
PODEŠVA, L.; KOCH, M. Politika informační a kybernetické bezpečnosti ve výrobních firmách v České republice. In Právní, kriminalistické a kybernetické aspekty kybernetické kriminality a bezpečnosti: pocta Vladimíru Smejkalovi. 1. Brno: CERM, 2021. s. 372-380. ISBN: 978-80-7623-065-1.Detail
Responsibility: Podešva Lukáš, Ing., Ph.D.