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Project detail
Duration: 1.2.2013 — 31.12.2015
Funding resources
Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty
- part funder (4. 4. 2013 - )
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People responsible
Salamon David, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Advanced Ceramic Materials- responsible department (4.4.2013 - not assigned)Advanced Ceramic Materials- beneficiary (4.4.2013 - not assigned)
KALOUSEK, R.; SPOUSTA, J.; ZLÁMAL, J.; DUB, P.; ŠIKOLA, T.; SHEN, Z.; SALAMON, D.; MACA, K. Rapid heating of zirconia nanoparticle-powder compacts by infrared radiation heat transfer. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2017, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 1067-1072. ISSN: 0955-2219.Detail
ROLEČEK, J.; FORAL, Š.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; SALAMON, D. A Feasibility study of using of CeO2 as a surrogate material during investigation of UO2 thermal conductivity enhancement. Advances in Applied Ceramics, 2017, vol. 115, no. 8, p. 123-131. ISSN: 1743-6753.Detail
SALAMON, D.; KALOUSEK, R.; ZLÁMAL, J.; MACA, K. Role of conduction and convection heat transfer during rapid crack-free sintering of bulk ceramic with low thermal conductivity. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2016, vol. 36, no. 12, p. 2955-2959. ISSN: 0955-2219.Detail
SALAMON, D.; KALOUSEK, R.; MACA, K.; SHEN, Z. Rapid Grain Growth in 3Y-TZP Nanoceramics by Pressure-Assisted and Pressure-Less SPS. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, vol. 98, no. 12, p. 3706-3712. ISSN: 0002-7820.Detail
FORAL, Š.; SALAMON, D.; KATOVSKÝ, K. Vliv aditiv na tepelnou vodivost paliv lehkovodních reaktorů. Bezpečnost jaderné energie. Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost ČR, Úrad jadrového dozoru SR JF DL, 2015, roč. 23, č. 5-6, s. 147-153. ISSN: 1210-7085.Detail
FORAL, Š.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; SALAMON, D.; VARMUŽA, J. Thermal conductivity of composite UO2+SiC fuels under irradiation. In International conference of young scientists and post-graduates - Proceedings of the conference. Užgorod, Ukrajina: Institute of Electron physics, The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2015. p. 158-159. ISBN: 978-966-2668-95-7.Detail
FORAL, Š.; KATOVSKÝ, K.; VARMUŽA, J.; SALAMON, D.; ROLEČEK, J. Influence of silicone carbide on the reactivity of nuclear fuels using cerium dioxide as a surrogate material. In Proceedings on 2014 22nd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE22). 2014. s. 1-10. ISBN: 978-0-7918-4594-3.Detail
Responsibility: Salamon David, doc. Ing., Ph.D.