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Electronic information resources

Electronic information resources are available from all over the world. They are a big help for study, science and research at each university. They can be accessed after the payment of a flat-rate subscription over a specific time of use.

The electronic information resources can be accessed on line from computers connected to the university network or via a proxy server or Shibboleth remote access.

Brno University of Technology has access to many databases with papers, scientific writings, abstracts, and electronic books.

Three basic types of electronic information resources are distinguished:

  • full-text databases
  • bibliographic databases – with bibliographic information (records complemented by abstracts)
  • factual databases -  with factual information (particular textual or numeric data)
  • e-books

For efficient work with information resources, BUT staff and students may use the Citace PRO citation manager.

Observing the database conditions of use is very important

For most electronic resources, the licence terms are similar, but have to be read carefully before using each particular resource – a link usually exists on the database home page (Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use, Copyright Notes and the like).

Generally, the following principles have to be observed:

  • Papers from these resources can only be downloaded and printed for personal use, teaching, and research (further dissemination of such materials is prohibited).
  • If you use any of the electronic resources when writing a paper or other scientific writing, you must include them in a list of references.

Do not attempt to download large amounts, particularly avoiding the use of "robots"! These activities are monitored by the publishers and any failure to observe the licence terms usually results in access being locked to all BUT users! The individual causing this inconvenience may then be disciplined.

Any questions regarding electronic resources?

Please use the contact form!

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