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Information education

As a traditional library service, users' education is provided by most of the BUT libraries. In previous years (until 2007), information education of library users only consisted of single excursions to libraries sometimes accompanied by librarians giving lectures on information literacy.

At some faculties, lectures on library education topics are part of the curricula. As a result of these teaching activities, contacts between librarians and teachers have been intensified and cooperation increased.

However, the content of these activities did not meet the requirement of a modern service and they had to be modernized. To this end, following a central-library initiative, a working group was established in 2006 to deal with an improvement of library education. The result was an e-learning course for first-year students, which became an integral part of the library services offered at Brno University of Technology.

The modernization of educational services has been greatly enhanced by cooperation with the staff of the Division of Information and Library Studies of Masaryk University in Brno.

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