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Scientific publishing

Scientific publishing is one of the main activities of scientists and educators at the university. The impact of scientists has been measured also by the results of their publishing activities since their Ph.D. studies, sometimes even sooner. Also the evaluation of scientific institutions and allocation of state funds in the Czech Republic is based on the publishing activities.

Writing and publishing scientific papers is very responsible and demanding job. The Central library is ready to help in this field. You can find a lot of useful information on this Library portal. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.


Clarivate Analytics' InCites analytical tool has been available at BUT since 2019. It is suitable for analysing productivity, the impact of scientific outputs and benchmarking using quantitative indicators. For more information, please visit https://www.vutbr.cz/uk/podpora-publikovani/incites.

Support for Open Access publishing

If you want to get a financial contribution to publish in fully open access journals, now is your chance!

You can find out the terms and conditions and more on the separate Open Access Fund page.

For journal editors

Do you publish a scientific journal under the title of Brno University of Technology? Do you want to make it more known?

Check out the list of contacts of individual databases and sources where journals can be registered.

Any questions regarding scientific publishing?

Please use the contact form!

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