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access to database from BUT

remote access

Chemical Abstracts Service - CAS

Contains literature on chemistry from over 10,000 science and technology publications published by 150 countries in 50 languages.

SciFinder is a scientific resource enabling access to CAS databases containing literature on many fields of science such as biomedicine, chemistry, materials engineering. In the first place, it is the largest database containing electronic Chemical Abstracts. Each user must be registered with an account.

If you have already created an account in the database and are in the university computer network, you can use the direct access link (see above) to log in. Enter your e-mail address (to which the registration was made) and choose to log in via Brno University of Technology. If logging in for the first time, enter via Shibboleth access. You will be forwarded for authentication using your BUT login and BUT password.

Database contains:

  • Get substances - obsahuje informace o chemických strukturách, názvech, CAS Registry Numbers, vlastnostech, komerční dostupnosti apod.
  • Get reactions - obsahuje reakční schémata, postupy, rozpouštědla, katalyzátory, komerční dostupnost látek atd.
  • Get references - prohledává články, patenty, disertace a další



database is available throughout BUT

further information:

for further information, please write to eiz@lib.vutbr.cz


Access for the period 2013-2017 funded by the project Chemické elektronické informační zdroje pro VaV - ChemEIZ, registrační číslo: CZ.1.05/3.2.00/12.0231.

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