How to find a book in a catalogue?

To find a book in a catalogue you simply enter a search word (or phrase) and click OK. You can also choose what you are looking for. In a search field, you can choose from the author, title, year of publishing, or ISBN fields. If you choose the All Fields option, the search is unlimited.

There are three search modes:

  1.  Basic search – a single field
  2.  Multiple-field search - (you enter, for instance, Newman in the author and Mathematics in the title field)
  3.  Advanced search – from several fields, in addition to the intersection, also partial search result sets are available in individual fields


The search also supports the AND, NOT, OR logical operators:

  • information AND communication (equivalent to information communication) – returns a set of records with both information and communication occurring in a given field
  • information OR communication – returns a set of records with at least one of the words information and communication occurring in a given field.
  • information NOT communication – returns a set of records with the word information occurring and the word communication not occurring in a given field.

The quotation marks delimiting a search phrase are not supported. If you want to search for the phrase "large dictionary", enter large dictionary and check Proximity of words.

Placeholders are supported. The "?" character stands for any single character. Thus, b?d will find both bad and bud.

Published: 2013-10-21

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